Add Full Report Library

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Add Full Report Library

Install the EQuIS Library

Add the EQuIS Library to an Existing Installation

Included Reports




The EQuIS Professional installation process includes an option to install the EQuIS Library. This option is not enabled by default. Installing the full EQuIS Library will supply you with EarthSoft's full library of standard reports, interfaces, and forms.


Without the full EQuIS library installed, it will be necessary to import (or, for administrators, publish) all desired reports, forms, and interfaces into EQuIS individually, as is necessary with custom files.


Install the EQuIS Library


To install the full report library, select Install Entire Feature from the drop-down for the EQuIS Library.




The EQuIS Library includes (but is not limited to) the reports, interfaces, and forms listed on this page.


Add the EQuIS Library to an Existing Installation


To install the full report library after Professional is successfully installed, change the installation by taking the following actions.

1.Follow the steps in Repair or Change Installation to find EQuIS Professional in the Control Panel's Programs and Features menu.

2.Click on the EQuIS Professional entry.

3.Select Change.

4.The installation process will launch.

5.Select Change.

6.When the Installation Features window is prompted, select Install Entire Feature from the dropdown for the EQuIS Library, as pictured in the previous section.


Included Reports


The EarthSoft Standard Reports chapter of the EQuIS Library includes a full list and detailed report documentation.



Action Level Exceedance II reports – by EDD; by User Report; with Parameters; Early Warning; Percent Variance; with Water Levels (Grid)

Action Level Exceedance Format I and III

Analyte Aggregate vs Location Plot (2d, 3d or Bubble)

Analytical and Water Results

Analytical Results II

Analytical Results II - Statistics

Additional Analytical Results reports – Crosstab (Chemicals by Location); Trend Plot (Time Series); with Sample Calculations; with Sample Parameter (Table)

Analytical Statistics

ArcEQuIS Crosstab Converter


Basic Results II

Basic Results Profile

Box and Whisker

ChemStat Report

Database Diagnostics SP_HELP

Downhole Point Parameters

EDP Status Report

EIA - Missing Expected Sampling Activity

EIA - New Docs and Photos Subscription

EIA Summary Report

EQuIS Data Audit

EQuIS Enterprise Report Usage

Execute Scheduled Report

Facility Parameters

Facility Results II

Facility Samples (Summary by EDD Date)

Flow Data

Flow Rate

Flow Statistics

Gauging and Analytical Report

Get New EUID Values

Google Earth reports


Hydraulic Containment

Ionic Charge Balance

License Use

Lithology Summary

LNAPL Column

Location Analyte Review

Location Information (Class)

Location Parameters (Extra Fields)

Location Parameters (Most Recent) II

Minitab-Grain Size Distribution

Multi-Group - Analytical Report

MultiParameter Time Series Chart

MultiWell Time Series Chart

Non-Detect Trend Report

Pump Rate

Reference Values

Relative Percent Difference II

Relative Percent Difference III

Risk Assessment - SADA

Sample Holding Time II

Sample Parameter (by Parameter) Time Series Chart

Sample Parameter (by Well) Time Series Chart

Sample Parameters (Extra Fields)

Sample Parameters (Most Recent) II

Sample Summary by Analyte Group


Standard Project Status

Statistics reports – Analyte By Sample (Lithology); Analytical Statistics (by Location); Samples, Statistics and Exceedances; Samples, Statistics and Exceedances of Each Location

Table Row Counts

Tag Cloud - Chemical Concentrations

User Activity

Water Level - Action Level Exceedance

Water Level Aggregate vs Location Plot (2d,3d or Bubble)

Water Level Elevation Trend Plot

Water Level Information

Water Levels II




The following are standard EQuIS Professional interfaces. The Interfaces help chapter details these, as well as interfaces included with higher license libraries (i.e. Data or Graphics):

Minitab Interface

Leapfrog Export

R Project





See Forms documentation for details.


Active Reports (superseded by RDL Report functionality)

Coordinate Converter

Copy User Reports

Docs & Photos

Enterprise EDP - EDD List



RVF Builder


SampleTestResult III

Site Activities

Water Levels