License Use

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License Use

Report Name: License Use

File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.122860.dll

Dependencies: User must be an Administrator

Software: EQuIS Professional and EQuIS Enterprise

Source: EQuIS Professional install

Language: English

Output Type: Report Grid1


Description: The report allows users to investigate license use in detail or in a summary.


Installation Instructions: This report assembly is part of the EQuIS Professional installation. No additional installation steps are necessary.



Only Enterprise administrators or users with a SQL login are able to run the report.


If a license database is used, the license use is saved in the license database rather than the registered databases. Under this case, calculations of license uses are based on the data in the license database.

For Professional licenses, users consume a license when they are logged into the application. Therefore the Professional count indicates application usage, rather than an active user.

When ST_LICENSE.LICENSE_TITLE is not populated, the license_title output is populated with General License: app_id (from ST_LICENSE_USE). Note this also applies if historic ST_LICENSE records are deleted.

The report does not include how much time a license is used, since this information is not recorded in the EQuIS Database.

For Unlimited Enterprise licensing, the Number of Licenses column is left blank and "Unlimited licenses" is populated in the Remark column.

For all Report Types except Summary of Issued Licenses, the Database_Server column provides the server of the license database, which may differ from the user database if a separate license database is used to store licensing.

For Summary by User type Enterprise license users should have counts = 1. Except if there are two separate and distinct users, who have the same user_name, you can have multiple values (e.g. the user's email address has changed.)


Note: Licenses under the Active Client Access License (ACAL) model, in which licenses must be assigned to a user via a license role, create a single entry for that license slot in ST_LICENSE_USE with an expiry period of decades. As the License Use Report queries the ST_LICENSE_USE table, usage of products with ACALs (such as Enterprise, the REST API, and Collect) is not fully captured.


The ST_USAGE table can be queried for usage information instead. An example script is available on the EarthSoft Community Center (ECC) that will return the last used date, by user and by product, from ST_USAGE. This script is available on the ECC Downloads Dashboard (under All Items > Products > Additional Resources > v7.0) as "" for users with appropriate access. If using this script, please review its contents carefully to ensure it meets your organization's needs. To run the script in the EQuIS SQL Form, remove all commented lines (i.e. lines beginning with '--').




Report Parameters

Date Range

Section to select the license use start date, and end date.


Parameter to select the license use start date.


Parameter to select the license use end date.

Report Type

Parameter to select report type: Summary by User, Summary by Day, Summary by Hour, Summary by LIcenseTitle, Summary by LicenseTitle-Day, Summary by LIcenseTitle-Hour, Last Use Date, Last Use Date by User, Summary of Issued Licenses or Details.


There are ten report type options to investigate license use from different angles. All of the Report Types cover Professional licensing. Four of the ten types also include Enterprise licensing: Summary by User, Summary by LicenseTitle, Summary of Issued Licenses, and Details. The table below explains each.


Report Output

Summary by User

(Professional and Enterprise)

Total number of license_checked_out per user and license title in the selected date range for Professional;

one license per user for Enterprise if the license was checked out within the selected date range - see Notes.

Summary by Day


The number of uses on a certain day based on license_checked_out records in the selected date range for Professional.

Summary by Hour


The number of uses at a certain hour based on license_checked_out records created in the selected date range for Professional; the report excludes hours during which no new license was checked out.

Summary by LicenseTitle

(Professional and Enterprise)

The number of recorded license_checked_out per license_title in the selected date range for Professional;

the number of active users per license_title that was checked out within the selected date range for Enterprise

Summary by LicenseTitle-Day


The number of uses per day by license_title, based on license_checked_out records in the selected data range for Professional.  

Summary by LicenseTitle-Hour


The number of uses per day and hour by license_title, based on license_checked_out records in the selected date range for Professional.

Last Use Date


The most recent license_check_out per license_title for Professional.

Last Use Date by User


The most recent license_check_out per user and license_title for Professional.

Summary of Issued Licenses


The number of all licenses by title.


(Professional and Enterprise)

user_name, license_title, license_check_out and license_expires details from ST_LICENSE_USE in the selected date for Professional and Enterprise


1The Report Grid provides additional export options to Excel, Google Earth, Outlook, Shapefile, PDF, Text, Access, XML, or a printer.