Forms & Publishing Forms

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Forms & Publishing Forms

Forms provide a convenient method of viewing and interacting with EQuIS data. More information on the available forms is provided under the Forms section of the Library help chapter.


Click the Forms button in the Open section of the Professional Home tab to access.




Form files typically follow the naming scheme "EarthSoft.Forms.Library.[ID].dll". Publish to the database after unblocking the file (if needed). EQuIS Professional allows Database Level Security (DLS) users or Application-Level Security (ALS) administrators to publish forms to the EQuIS Database. ALS users who are not administrators may not publish a form. To publish, do one of the following:


1.Click Publish, then Publish Forms in the Import section of the Home tab.




2.Click the Forms button on the Home tab, and then click Publish.




Type a term into the Search field at the top of the form, then select the Go button (green arrow) to the right of the field, or type Tab then Enter to search within the current section of the Open window. Results returned will contain the search term anywhere within the name.


Note: Published forms will take precedence over local copies of the form. Consequently, if an older build of a form is published to the database, that version will be used, even if there is a newer build of the form in your local program folder.


This issue is generally avoidable because there is no need to publish standard forms that are included in the installation. The exception is the EQuIS SQL Form, which is not included in the local installation and needs to be published to be available to non-admin users. When a new build of this form becomes available, republishing this form will make the updated build available to all users.