Action Level Exceedance II with Water Levels (Grid)

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Action Level Exceedance II with Water Levels (Grid)

Report Name: Action Level Exceedance II with Water Levels (Grid)

File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.d7631.dll

Dependencies: Analytical and Water Results, Analytical Results II, Water Levels II, and Action Level Exceedance II with Parameters

Software: EQuIS Professional and EQuIS Enterprise

Source: EQuIS Professional install

Language: English

Output Type: Report Grid1


Description: The Action Level Exceedance II with Water Levels (Grid) Report compares results of the Analytical and Water Results Report against one or more action levels (e.g. regulatory limits).


For analytical results, the report supports all standard and advanced action levels.  


The report applies standard action levels for water levels by processing the water level data as analytical data. To achieve this, the report remaps the water level columns of Water Level II into the CAS_RN and CHEMICAL columns, as well as result columns. For example, the report maps the EXACT_ELEV field name to the CAS_RN and CHEM_NAME columns of an analytical result row, and the corresponding water level value to REPORT_RESULT_VALUE of that row.


This report supports the following seasonal and locational water level action levels:


1.seasonal configurations using season_start_month, season_start_day, season_end_month, and season_end_day of DT_ACTION_LEVEL_PARAMETER, and

2.locational configurations using Locations in DT_ACTION_LEVEL_LOOKUP.


Note that these supported configurations differ from those used in the Water Level - Action Level Exceedance chart report.


Installation Instructions: The Action Level Exceedance II with Water Levels (Grid) report assembly is part of the EQuIS Professional installation. No additional installation steps are necessary.


To use the report in EQuIS Enterprise use, all four (4) dependencies must be published to the database and in the Enterprise bin folder. By default, all but EarthSoft.Reports.Library.44408.dll (Analytical and Water Results) come with the Enterprise installation.


If not, copy/paste them from the EQuIS Professional installation directory.


Report Parameters*


Analytical Results and Water Levels section – report input parameters of Analytical and Water Results.

Action Level section – Action Level parameters of Action Level Exceedance II with Parameters.


* This report includes hidden parameters that could affect the output of the report.


Consult an EQuIS administrator if these parameters should be visible or use different default values in a published report (a report that allows saving of user reports). These parameters cannot be viewed or changed in unpublished reports outside of a report parameter file.


Default Significant Figure (default = 6)

Water Level\ Approval Code(s), User-estimated product density, and Default Specific Gravity (default = 0.8)

Column Configuration

Column Configuration File


Report Output:

Refer to the Report Output of Action Level Exceedance II with Parameters.


For water level results, when present, the report populates the CAS_RN and CHEMICAL_NAME columns with fields from Water Levels II, and their respective values appear in REPORT_RESULT_VALUE. For more information on the mapping of water level data, see Analytical and Water Results.


Action Level Parameter Configuration:

Refer to the Action Level Parameter Configuration of Action Level Exceedance II with Parameters.


To use the Action Levels form to add water-level-related action levels, add the water level parameter names to reference table RT_ANALYTE, such as rt_analyte.cas_rn = “exact_elev” and rt_analyte.chemical_name=”exact_elev”.  


1The report grid result provides additional export options to Excel, Google Earth, Outlook, Shapefile, PDF, Text, Access, XML, or a printer.