Statistics: Analytical Statistics (by Location)

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Statistics: Analytical Statistics (by Location)

Report Name: Statistics: Analytical Statistics (by Location) (example)

File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.14425.dll

Dependencies: saved Analytical Results Report

Software: EQuIS Professional and EQuIS Enterprise

Source: EQuIS Professional install

Language: English

Output Type: Excel1


Description: Based on a saved Analytical Results or Analytical Results II Report, the report generates the following statistical information: Mean, Upper Confidence Level (UCL), Median, Standard Deviation, Coefficient of Variation, Skewness, Minimum, Maximum, Count (n), Mann-Kendall S, Trend analysis (at 80% confidence, 90% confidence, 95% confidence, 99% confidence), and Sen Slope.


Installation Instructions: This report assembly is part of the EQuIS Professional installation. No additional installation steps are necessary.



If the "Action Level(s)" input is selected, the report will indicate action level violations. If a statistical value (Mean, UCL, Median, Minimum or Maximum) is greater than an action level value, the value is highlighted. Up to four action levels can be used in the report. The statistics can be for each sampling depth of each location or for each location without differing sample depths.


The confidence level for results is calculated based on the Data Quality Assessment: Statistical Methods for Practitioners, EPA QA/G-9S:

When samples > 10, use Table A-1 of EPA QA/G-9S.

When samples <= 10, use Table A-12a of EPA QA/G-9S. Under this scenario, a note is recorded in the report from Table A-1 of Guidance on Natural Attenuation for Petroleum Releases Remediation and Redevelopment Program, Wisconsin DNR (different from EPA table for 10 percent confidence interval due to greater resolution in the Wisconsin table relative to that provided in Table A-12a of EPA QA/G-9S).


The Student T distribution is used to calculate the Upper Confidence Level as UCL = Mean + t *SD/N


The Saved Analytical Results II or Analytical Results Report parameter options in this report includes user reports from Analytical Results and Analytical Results II.


Tables: All tables used by Analytical Results II and DT_ACTION_LEVEL, DT_ACTION_LEVEL_PARAMETER, ST_REPORT, ST_USER_REPORT


Report Parameters

Saved Analytical Results Report

Select a saved Analytical Results user report.

Action Level(s)

Parameter for selecting action levels.

Method to process duplicate rows

Parameter to select how to process duplicate rows: Average, Maximum*, Minimum, or Sum

Differ Statistics by Start_Depth

Check box to differ statistics by Start_Depth. Default: unchecked

Process multiple non-detect limits of an analyte at a location

Parameter to select the aggregation method for multiple non-detects of an analyte at a location: Max, Min, Average, First, or Last*

* If selections are cleared from the parameter, calculations use the bolded option.


The "Method to process duplicated rows" parameter aggregates REPORT_RESULTS_VALUEs for duplicate records. For this parameter, records with identical values in the following fields comprise a duplicate set: SYS_LOC_CODE, START_DEPTH, SAMPLE_DATE, SAMPLE_NAME, CHEMICAL_NAME, and REPORT_RESULT_UNIT.


The parameter uses the following aggregate options for duplicate sets:

Average – the arithmetic mean of the duplicate set's REPORT_RESULT_VALUEs

Maximum – the maximum REPORT_RESULT_VALUE of the duplicate set

Minimum – the minimum REPORT_RESULT_VALUE of the duplicate set

Sum – the sum of the duplicate set's REPORT_RESULT_VALUEs


If unselected, the parameter defaults to "Maximum".


The calculations ignore data rows with the following:

null value for REPORT_RESULT_LIMIT

100000000' value

'99999999' value


The "Process multiple non-detect limits of an analyte at a location" parameter aggregates the multiple non-detect limits of an analyte per location and fraction. This aggregate replaces REPORT_RESULT_VALUE with REPORT_RESULT_LIMIT.


The parameter uses the following aggregate options for the non-detects of an analyte at a location:

Max – the maximum detection limit of the non-detects

Min – the minimum detection limit of the non-detects

Average – the arithmetic mean of all detection limits for the non-detects

First – the detection limit of the earliest non-detect

Last – the detection limit of the most recent non-detect


If unselected, the parameter defaults to "Last".


Note that results without an associated DETECT_FLAG='Y' or 'TR' are considered non-detects.


Data are populated using the Analytical Results II report, so REPORT_RESULT_VALUE=REPORT_RESULT_LIMIT*ND_MULTIPLIER, and the unit will convert if needed.


1Excel report output requires a valid license of Microsoft Excel to view the output.nalyticalStatisticsByLocation