SampleTestResult II and SampleTestResult III

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SampleTestResult II and SampleTestResult III

Form Name: SampleTestResult II and SampleTestResult III

File Name: EarthSoft.Forms.Library.6621303.dll

Software: EQuIS Professional

Source: EQuIS Professional install


Description: The SampleTestResult II and SampleTestResult III forms do the following:

Display the sample, test, and result data generated from the parameter selections (on the Analytical Results II or Parameters Tab of the form respectively)

Display columns from the three tables (DT SAMPLE, DT TEST, and DT RESULT) in a filterable grid.

Allow the user to move quickly and easily to the data of interest.

Allow the user to edit data.

oAppropriate permissions are required.


Note: To save edits in either form, you must first click your cursor out of the cell that has been changed; otherwise, the edits will not save. This behaviour will be resolved in a future build of EQuIS.


The differences between the two forms are outlined in the table below: 


SampleTestResult II

SampleTestResult III

Opens via the report button Forms-Form-04-WF(16)  on in the Analytical Results II  output toolbar

Opened via Forms in the Home ribbon

Data is filtered based on the parameter selections from the Analytical Results II parameters

Data is filtered based on the parameter selections from the “Parameters” tab once the form is opened

If the Analytical Results II parameters are changed, the report must be re-run and the SampleTestResult II form must be re-opened from the output

If the parameters on the “Parameters” tab are changed, the form will be updated once clicking on the green Go arrow without having to re-open the form


Installation Instructions: The SampleTestResult II and SampleTestResult III Form is included with the EQuIS Professional Installer. No additional steps are necessary.



SampleTestResult II

Before or after running the Analytical Results II Report1, the data can be displayed in the SampleTestResult_II Form.


The form is opened from a new button Forms-Form-04-WF(16) on the report toolbar, which is available on both the report parameter selection screen and the report output grid.


Notes: The following limitations apply to the SampleTestResult II output via Analytical Results II.

Displays the Analytical Results II parameter selections as read only in the Parameters tab.

The Most Recent Sampling input selection does not apply to the form output; when checked, the form will still return all results for the Date Range.

The form does not include any Extra Fields from tables other than DT_SAMPLE, DT_TEST, and DT_RESULT that are selected in the report parameters.






1The form button is available for reports with ST_REPORT.REPORT_NAME = "Analytical Results II" and assumes OBJECT_NAME = EarthSoft.Reports.Library.50943.


SampleTestResult III

The SampleTestResult III form allows reviewing and editing sample, test, and result data generated from the parameter selections on the Parameters Tab. The form can be opened by clicking Forms on the navigation ribbon.


The SampleTestResult III form opens to the Parameters tab for making the following parameter selections.




The STR III Tab is automatically populated and selected after clicking Go on the Parameters.





SampleTestResult III Parameters



Parameter section for selecting individual locations.


Parameter for selecting location groups.



Select one or more sample types.

Date Range

Section to select the start date, end date, most recent sampling (False), and the option to use date range to select the most recent sampling events (False)


Select one or more sample matrix.


Select one or more tasks.

Field SDG(s)

Select one or more Field SDG.



Select one or more test method.


Select one or more fraction.

Lab SDG(s)

Select one or more Lab SDGs.



Section for selecting analytes and/or analyte groups


1The Form button is available for reports with ST REPORT.REPORT NAME = "Analytical Results II" and assumes OBJECT NAME = EarthSoft.Reports.Library.50943.