EQuIS Administrator Privileges

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EQuIS Administrator Privileges

The following EQuIS users receive Administrator privileges:

Database-Level Security (DLS) users, i.e. those with direct SQL logins

Active Enterprise users assigned to the Admin role, which is a standard role that comes with Enterprise


An EQuIS administrator is not the same as a database administrator, the latter of which controls the database hosting, SQL logins, and other properties such as DLS permissions. However, a database administrator would also gain EQuIS administrator status through their SQL login.


Note: DLS permissions associated with SQL user accounts or with an administrator's ALS role can curtail administrator privileges. For example, a SQL user with DENY INSERT and DENY UPDATE on ST_REPORT cannot publish reports; the Report Publisher will fail if unable to insert or update report records. In this manner, database administrators can limit SQL users' abilities to perform administrator-only actions.


Any documented instructions to "Run as administrator" refer to Windows administrator privileges, which are also separate and which an EQuIS administrator is not guaranteed to have.


EQuIS Administrator privileges include increased abilities compared to other EQuIS users:

Access and Control of EQuIS Components

Dashboard and Widget Privileges




Access and Control of EQuIS Components


greater access to EQuIS objects:

oaccess all system tables and system table records, including restricted tables, such as ST_MODULE and ST_REPORT

odirectly access certain tables, such as RT_GROUP_MEMBER or DT_LOGGER_DATUM

oview data tables and views in "Table (all rows in database)" mode

oview certain reports, such as the License Use or User Activity reports, or additional information in certain reports or forms, such as the EIA Summary Report or Enterprise EDP: EDD List

control of EQuIS components:

opublish reports and forms

ocustomize and set templates for reports

ochange captions for custom database fields

oupdate the EQuIS database (for non-EQuIS Online clients, and provided additional database permissions are also met)

omigrate facilities

odeploy EQuIS Enterprise sites

ocreate, modify, and delete all objects controlled by Enterprise permissions (such as facilities, dashboards, files, and reports), overriding any conflicting assigned permissions such as Denies

use api/users, api/logs, and many api/config API endpoints


Dashboard and Widget Privileges


access the Enterprise Administration dashboard, which provides tools for the following tasks

oUser Manager Widget adding or checking users

oUser Profile Editor modifying user account details and permissions, disabling users, and impersonating users

oRole Manager Widget and Editor adding and modifying roles, activating or deactivating users

oWorkflow Widget configuring formats, email service, and workflow

upload modules in the Module Manager widget

add licenses in the License Manager widget

set certain widget properties, such as the Root Folder Name for a Document and Photo Browser Widget

define the appearance of the EQuIS Collect and SPM Enterprise dashboards

manage EQuIS Collect user groups

additional data editing capabilities:

oreload Enterprise formats

operform data correction in the Collect dashboard




edit other users' EQuIS Information Agents (EIAs) or view their Notices

receive additional correspondence on site logging or errors, such as FileProcess Agent workflow errors or failed LDAP logins