Grid Display Options

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Grid Display Options

Example - Changing Appearance of Tables


To access Professional Options and modify the appearance of headers and the grid (used for tables, views, and many reports), select the gear icon Settings-32-green in the Grid View Toolbar.



Figure 1 Options Button and Row Levels


Column Headers: formatting of columns with specific requirements

Row Appearance: formatting for each row level of the grid, separated by even and odd rows. Each level refers to further nesting, e.g. of child tables opened within a parent table. Odd row shading for Levels 1, 2, and 3 is shown above in Figure 1.



Figure 2 Options Dialog Window


Pertinent options within the above menus are described below:

AlphaLevel: determines the opacity of elements (default = 0)

BackColor...: options for cell backgrounds, including adding a gradient by using both BackColor and BackColor2.

Border...: options for shading the borders of cells

Cursor: options for the cursor from a predetermined list

FontData: options for the text

oBold, Italic, Strikeout: formatting options

oName: specific font (e.g. Arial, Times New Roman). Note that this field is not nullable once created. It can be cleared by:

i.deleting the corresponding settings.xml file in %appdata%\EarthSoft (warning: removes all of the customizations for that item) or

ii.within the corresponding XML file, deleting the Name row, which will appear as something like:
       <Name id="ref-6">Arial</Name>
       SizeInPoints: font size

ForeColor: Font Color

ForeColorDisabled: font color for disabled elements

ForegroundAlpha: opacity level of text

Image: options for using images within the grid

TextHAlign, TextVAlign: horizontal and vertical alignment of text, respectively

TextTrimming: specifies how text will be rendered when there is not enough room to display the entire string


Along with using the presupplied Custom, Web, and System options, a color can be typed into a Color line (such as BorderColor2 or ForeColor) as R,G,B, e.g. 255,255,255 for White.


Read here for details about how to access EDP display options.


Example - Changing Appearance of Tables


To change the appearance of Key (required) columns in a table (red by default):

1.Click Data Tables Tables-Table (located in the Open group of the Home tab).

2.Select DT_FACILITY and click Open.

3.Click Options Settings-32-green.

4.Expand Appearances and Column Headers.

5.Click Key Column.

6.Scroll down, click ForeColor and change to Dark Green.

7.Click OK.

8.The Key column headers are now dark green.