Grid View and Toolbar

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Grid View and Toolbar

Context Menu

Group By

Grid Toolbar


Other Report Output


In EQuIS Professional, the data grid offers several options for viewing and exporting data in EQuIS tables, views, or grid reports.




Context Menu


The following options are available after right-clicking within a grid:

Related Tables show parent or child table entries for each record (only available in tables)

Column Chooser configure how columns display

Group By turns on Group By mode, described below




Group By


Right-click on the grid and select Group By to enable Group By mode. The Group By bar will appear in grey above the columns with instructions:




Drag a column to the Group By bar to group by that column. Drag a column out of the Group By bar to remove that grouping. Dragging multiple columns will group by each, in order:




Grid Toolbar



Filter columns. Once enabled, select the Filter button or dropdown in a column to select specific values.


Pin specific columns for easy data review when scrolling back and forth.

Column Chooser

Column Chooser to hide, unhide, or reorder columns.


Font size chooser to temporarily change the grid display by selecting a font size using the dropdown menu.


Search for information in rows and columns of tables using the Find and Replace Dialog. Click the icon in the toolbar, or use shortcuts Ctrl+F or Ctrl+H.


Refresh tables to display recent changes.


Save changes made to a table.


Note: Save is not an option in Views in EQuIS Professional. A View contains methods to review data, not to modify data.



Options to change the appearance of column headers and rows.


Toggle Notes Column, not available in Views.

Toggle Add New

Toggle Add New Box, not available in Views.

Data Delete

Cascade Delete, not available in Views. Deletes selected row(s) and all child rows in the database.

Data Find

Find All Child Records in the database, not available in Views.

Excel Export

Export to Excel for rows of the grid that are currently visible.


Exports (see following section)




The Exports Export-16 button in the grid toolbar opens the Exports dropdown menu.



Display in Google Earth (requires X_COORD and Y_COORD as row headers).


Export Shapefile.


Export to Outlook as an *.xls attachment in a message.


Send to Printer

PDF Export(1)

Export PDF

File Next-WF(1)

Export TXT, including the following Save as type options:

Tab Separated (*.txt)

Comma separated (*.csv)

HTML (*.htm)

JSON Schema/Data (*.json) - This is the concise JSON format typically used in Enterprise widgets that lists the columns once, then lists each row as an array of values.

JSON Table (*.json) - This is a more verbose JSON format that lists each row as an object with properties.

Compressed Data Table (*.cdt) - This is a compressed, binary format (not human-readable).


Export to Access as an *.mdb file.


Export to XML. If exporting to XML for the purpose of importing through EDP to an EQuIS database, review this Known Issue forum post.

Check Mark(1)

Open Export toggle; deselecting this option prevents exports from opening automatically once created.


Other Report Output



Create an XY Chart.


Create an XYZ Chart.


Create a Trend Chart.


Create a RDL Report.


Create a Crosstab Report.

R Project

Launch and export to RStudio.