Column Chooser

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Column Chooser

The Column Chooser button Column Chooser-16 is in the toolbar above tables and grid output in EQuIS Professional, above each data section in EDP, and is also available by right-clicking inside grids.


The Column Chooser button in both Professional and EDP displays a drop-down menu that allows you to do the following:

Open Dialog for changing the visibility of each individual column

Load custom column configurations

Save custom column configurations

Show All

Show Required Only (only required columns)

Hide All columns

Hide Blanks (columns containing no data)

Autofit columns (Quick and All options)

Publish Column Configurations


Note: If the toolbar has been customized and a button does not appear as expected, remove the toolbar XML file to reset the display (see Missing Mini-Toolbars or Icons).


The Column Chooser button in both Professional and EDP displays a drop-down list containing a button for each of the Column Chooser functions.




Click Open Dialog to open the Column Chooser interface, which shows a list of columns for which visibility can be changed manually, as in the DT_FACILITY example below.




Note: The Caption and Key fields are displayed to minimize confusion if custom captions have been applied to data fields.


AutoFit Column Width (Quick)


Click AutoFit Column Width (Quick) to automatically resize each column to fit date in the first 300 rows. This setting is persistent between tables and sessions of EQuIS Professional. This option cannot be used with the AutoFit Column Width (All) option.


AutoFit Column Width (All)


Click AutoFit Column Width (All) to automatically resize each column to fit all the data in a table. This setting is persistent between tables and sessions of EQuIS Professional. The calculations to resize each column will happen in the background and the status will appear on the status menu in Professional. The process can be canceled by unchecking the option. This option cannot be used with the AutoFit Column Width (Quick) option.


Publish Column Configuration


From the Column Configuration dropdown in the grid output, click "Publish Column Configuration" to publish the configured columns to a user report. Column Configurations can be saved to an existing user report or a new user report can be created for the same base report.


If the report was run with an existing user report, the user report name will be automatically populated:




If a new user report name has been entered, a prompt will appear to create a new user report:




User reports with published Column Configurations:

will automatically apply the configuration when the report runs

will appear in the user report drop-down list with (cc) in the name

can be used in the EZView Widget in Enterprise



The column configuration is not respected for EQuIS grid reports requested via the REST API for output types PDF or JSON.

When using a report with a saved column configuration in ArcEQuIS, the attribute table can only be viewed if the report is added to the map as a Snapshot.