File Management in EQuIS Professional

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File Management in EQuIS Professional

Uploading and Downloading Files


Associate Image with Specific Location

Associate Image with Location Types

Show Associated Images in Google Earth

File Storage Fields

Other EQuIS File Management


The EQuIS database mainly stores files in the DT_FILE data table. Most DT_FILE fields contain file information or metadata; the files themselves are stored as Binary Large Objects (BLOBs) in the CONTENT field using the varbinary(max) data type. In EQuIS 7.22.3 and newer, the DT_FILE.CONTENT field is hidden to improve performance. A field that contains a BLOB shows the text “System.Byte[]”.


Before adding a file of a new file type, create a record for that file type in RT_FILE_TYPE. For more information on this reference table, see RT_FILE_TYPE – MIME Types.


Uploading and Downloading Files


Within EQuIS Professional, upload and download files in the following ways:

for files in DT_FILE, through the Docs & Photos Form

for files in other locations, through the EQuIS Blobber Form


EQuIS features like tables, reports, and charts will output files if the user chooses an export option, such as Export to Excel or Save Parameters .




Enterprise permissions will restrict a non-admin user from accessing Tables\DT_FILE in Professional. The restriction details are:

1.A non-admin user without any Enterprise Viewer, Editor, or Owner permissions to the Files Object Type nor to individual Files/Documents of DT_FILE:

i.cannot see the files in Professional\Tables\DT_FILE, and

ii.cannot see the files in the open dialog for loading a template file in Crosstab Configurations.

2.A non-admin user with any of Enterprise Viewer, Editor, or Owner permission to all or some files of DT_FILE, whether associated with the connected facility or with DT_FILE.FACILITY_ID = null:

i.can see the files in Professional\Tables\DT_FILE, and

ii.can select the files in an open dialog for loading a template file in doing a crosstab config.

3.A non-admin user with a denied Viewer permission to all or some files of DT_FILE cannot see the files in Professional\Tables\DT_FILE.


Associate Image with Specific Location


1.In the DT_FILE.PLACE_TYPE field for an image file record, enter "sys_loc_code".

2.In the DT_FILE.PLACE_CODE field for that record, enter the sys_loc_code value (e.g., "B-30") of the location from DT_LOCATION.



Associate Image with Location Types


1.Upload an image file, such as through the Docs & Photos Form or EQuIS Enterprise Explorer Widget.

2.Open DT_FILE and locate the record for that image file.

3.Fill in the following fields for that record:


b.PLACE_CODE = the name of the location type (e.g. "MONITORING WELL"). Find this information in DT_LOCATION in the LOC_TYPE field, as well as in RT_LOCATION_TYPE.


This image provides an icon in Google Earth for each point with that Location Type.


Show Associated Images in Google Earth


1.In the ribbon, click the Reports Reports-16 button.

2.Select the Google Earth: Locations Report, then Open.

3.Choose the appropriate parameters, and under "Description:", select "Embed Files".

4.Run the report.


Google Earth should open and navigate to the locations. In addition, designated icons for Location Type will be visible and/or any associated image(s) will be visible if a specific location is clicked on.




File Storage Fields


Along with DT_FILE, file storage locations in the EQuIS database include the following:

DT_ACTION_LEVEL.ASSEMBLY – for custom action level DLLs



Collect system tables




ST_MODULE.ASSEMBLY – published reports and forms that appear in this table


ST_REPORT.ASSEMBLY – configurations for published crosstab reports (both grid and non-grid) and published Alive survey reports

ST_SPLA.CERTIFICATE – for Service Provider Licensing Administration (SPLA) certificates


Depending on license portfolio, some of the above tables may not exist in an organization’s EQuIS database. Non-admin users will have limited access to system tables.


Other EQuIS File Management


For file use and management in other parts of EQuIS, see the following pages.

EQuIS Enterprise Enterprise:

oFile Management in the Explorer Widget

oFile Metadata Customization

oLinking and Downloading Files from Locations on the Map Widget

oUsing DT_FILE Images in the HTML Widget

oAdd or Modify Enterprise EDP Formats

EQuIS Live Live: Live File Processor Agent

SPM SPM: Associate Commitment Report with a File or Web Page


oAttach Files in EDGE

oPhotos and Files Column

EQuIS Alive Alive: EDGE Export from Alive Survey Definition Form

EQuIS Collect Collect: File Management and Processing