License Features

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License Features

License Keys

Server IDs and Server Moves

License Connection String

Trial Licenses


This page describes aspects of EQuIS licensing. Further information on licensing topics is covered on other pages, as well:

License linking and using license databases – License Database Setup

Requesting and applying license keysApplying Licenses in EQuIS Professional

User licensing modes Change Licensing Mode

License usage trackingLicense Usage

The Active Client Access License (ACAL) model used in EQuIS Enterprise, EQuIS Collect, and the REST API – Active Client Access Licenses

Deploying ACAL licenses in Enterprise as roles – Applying Licenses in EQuIS Enterprise


Users can access their organization’s EQuIS licenses in several ways, depending on how administrators have set up their database(s), licensing, and EQuIS programs.

1.Network license keys in the logged-in database

2.Network license keys in a separate license database that is linked to the logged-in database. The separate database will either be:

a.Another EQuIS database

b.A standalone license database, only containing a few of the EQuIS tables

3.Network license keys in a database specified within a program configuration file, such as EQuIS.exe.config, via the useNetworkLicenses setting [link to section in this page, “Change Licensing Mode […]”).

4.Local workstation license keys (typically limited to EDGE use or upgrades; may also use the useNetworkLicenses setting)


License Keys


Network Licenses for EQuIS Professional products are saved in the database table ST_LICENSE. This table stores the product code, encrypted key string, and product name. It also supports links to External License Databases.


All Network Keys should be managed through the Registration tab in the EQuIS Professional backstage. See Applying Licenses for instructions. Attempts to manually modify the contents of ST_LICENSE may result in invalid or corrupt keys.


A valid key consists of an APP_ID, KEY_TYPE, and KEY_STRING within ST_LICENSE. The field KEY_TITLE is filled in by the licensed product's proper name upon first use. If the field is null, then this key has never been used, and the Software Registration window will display "Unused License" for this key.


There is no relational constraint between the ST_LICENSE and ST_LICENSE_USE tables. This allows keys to be deleted without losing usage history.


Server IDs and Server Moves


A Server ID (also known as a Network ID) string is a hash code generated from the server name and database name as reported by the database server. As such, Network Keys are bound to the Server ID for the database storing the keys. If the database server name (or database name) changes, the Server ID will also change. Any existing keys bound to the old Server ID are rendered invalid. Organizations intending to move or rename their database server should plan accordingly.


EarthSoft recommends the following:

1.Set up the new server.

2.Request new keys as early in the move process as possible. This will prevent any loss of productivity during the transition.


License Connection String


Linking to another database’s licenses, either via the database’s ST_LICENSE table (see License Database Setup)  or the user’s EQuIS.exe.config file, requires a connection string to that database. For more options on creating a connection string, see SqlConnection.ConnectionString Property. Example connection strings include the following and are case-sensitive:


SQL Server with Windows Authentication*

Data Source=dbserver;Integrated Security=SSPI;Database=licensedb;


SQL Server with SQL Authentication

Data Source=dbserver;User ID= LicenseUser;Password=LicensePassword;Database=licensedb;


* only use for EQuIS Enterprise licenses if Windows Authentication is used for the site



Connection strings are case-sensitive with SQL Database connections.

Depending on network security, the connection string may need further modification:

oA VPN may require that the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) be used, instead of the server name in the connection string.

oWhen connecting to a self-hosted SQL Server instance that is not configured with a SSL certificate issued by a known certificate authority (CA), include the following advanced connection parameter in your connection string:


Trial Licenses


EarthSoft issues Trial Licenses to organizations evaluating specific EQuIS products. Users taking part in a pilot study or beta may initially use Network Demo licenses installed by EarthSoft. Trial licenses differ from regular network licenses in two ways:

1.Trial licenses have a built-in expiration date. A message will appear when the evaluation period has expired.

2.Trial licenses do not require maintenance keys. Maintenance is implied for the duration of the evaluation period.


Expired trial licenses may cause issues with database licensing and may need removal keys from EarthSoft.