EIA: Completeness Report

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EIA: Completeness Report

Report Name: EIA: Completeness Report

File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.48827.dll

Dependencies: Licensed SPM and SPM Schema

Software: SPM

Source: SPM install

Language: English

Output Type: Excel1


Description: The EIA: Completeness Results report can be used to configure EDD-triggered agents to check incoming EDDs for completeness. The report logic is based on the SPM - Completeness Report - Summary report, and presents similar input parameters.


Installation Instructions: This report requires a licensed SPM and the SPM Schema applied to the database. For SPM usage, no additional steps are necessary. This report is setup as an EQuIS Information Agent (EIA) only. Instructions on how to setup the SPM Completeness Report as an EIA are available here, and can be followed with slight modifications to setup this report. For Enterprise use, this report should be published to the database. When publishing the report, the assembly should be stored in the database. The report will be available for selection once it has been published.



The report compares laboratory results in incoming EDDs against the expected results based on the task code selected in the report parameters, showing a list of results that are missing. The report generates output for each associated EDD until all expected results are received. For example, if 100 results are expected for the chosen task code and an incoming EDD contains 75 results associated with that task code, the report will generate output on the 25 remaining results. If a second EDD is received containing the remaining 25 results associated with the task code, the report will not generate output.




Report Parameters*

Plan Code

Parameter to select the sample plan code. Only plans with applicable tasks are shown.**

Check by Method

Checkbox for enabling check by method. Default: False.

Check by Lab

Checkbox for enabling check by lab. Default: False.

Check by Matrix

Checkbox for enabling check by matrix. Default: True.

Check by Fraction

Checkbox for enabling check by fraction. Default: True.

Check by Sample depth

Checkbox for enabling check by Sample depth. Default: True.

Check by SPM sys_sample_code

Checkbox for enabling check by SPM sys_sample_code. Default: False.

Add Task Client

Checkbox to add task client. Default: False.

A Simple results Summary Report

Checkbox to create a simple lab results summary report with C and I status. Default: False.

Included Unplanned Samples

Checkbox to include unplanned samples. Default: False.

EDD (ebatch)

Parameter for selecting EDDs.

* This report contains the following hidden parameters: Sample, Task Filter, Date Range, Start, End, Deparment(s), Monitoring Program, Monitoring Type, Authority, Authority Type, Permit Number, Task Type, Priority Ranking, Person Name(s), Company Code(s), Project(s), SPM Task Code(s)**, Type(s), QC Type(s), Matrix(es), Delivery Group(s), Result Type(s), Test Type(s), Non-detect Symbol, Reporting Limit, Individual(s) and Group(s).


**When run as an EIA, the plan code and SPM task code parameters are set based on the ebatch number.


Consult an EQuIS administrator if these parameters should be visible or use different default values in a published report (a report that allows saving of User Reports). These parameters cannot be viewed or changed in unpublished reports outside of a report parameter file.



1Excel report output requires a valid license of Microsoft Excel to view the output.