EDGE Field EDD Report

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EDGE Field EDD Report

Report Name: EDGE Field EDD (example)

File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.40338.dll

Dependencies: Licensed EDGE Module and EDGE Schema, EarthSoft.Reports.Library.50943.dll, EarthSoft.Reports.Library.64102.dll

Software: EDGE

Source: EDGE install

Language: English

Output Type: Excel1


Description: This report creates an EDD to be used in EDGE to assist field crews in recording field data. The report creates an EDD with a list of locations to be used as a starting point and/or a task list. The report also has options to include historical data, such as water level data to be used in the Historical Water Level tab of EDGE (aka "History: DTW"), historical field results, and well redevelopment data to be used in the Well Redevelopment Form.


When used in conjunction with the Sample Planning Module (SPM), data fields relating to planned samples, field measurements and activities (or inspections) can be pre-populated in addition to the above, reducing the amount of time spent in the field entering these data.


Installation Instructions: This report requires a licensed EDGE Module and the EDGE Schema applied to the database. For EQuIS Professional use, copy the EarthSoft.Reports.Library.40338.dll file from the EDGE\reports installation directory to the EQuIS Professional installation folder. For default installations, this directory is C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\EQuIS. For Enterprise use, this report should be published to the database. When publishing the report, the assembly should be stored in the database. The report will be available for selection once it has been published.



SPM Schema recommended but not required for this report and it can also be used with the Live Schema. The parameter tables below display the report parameters with and without the SPM and Live Schemas.




When opened in EQuIS Professional with a database that does not have the SPM Schema or the Live Schema, the input parameters only include the following:


Input Parameters


Select one or more user. Users selected can be available as list in collect forms.

Include Subfacilities

Checkbox to include subfacilities related to the selected locations. Default: False.

Only Selected Locations

Checkbox to only include locations from the selected locations below. Default: False.

Reference Locations


Parameter for selecting individual locations.


Parameter for selecting location groups.


Parameter for selecting the COORD_TYPE_CODE.


Parameter for selecting the coordinate identifier.

Status Flag

Selection parameter for STATUS_FLAG.


Include Flow Parameters

Checkbox to include flow parameters. Default: False.

Include Last Measurement

Checkbox to include last measurement. Default: False.

Alarm Criteria (%)

Input for alarm criteria percentage.

Export Last Sample End Date

Checkbox to export last sample end date. Default: False.

Task Code(s)

Parameter for selecting task code(s).

Select Format

Parameter for selecting format file.

Select Segment Type for Top of Screen and Well diameter

Parameter for selecting segment type for top of screen and well diameter.

Reference Elevation

Parameter for selecting reference elevation: historical_reference_elev, measure_datum, or top_casing_elev.


Well Redevelopment

Section for including Pre-Redevelopment and Redevelopment data to the selected locations. Defaults: False.


Parameter for selecting activities by data logger session code.

Water Levels

Section for selecting Years back (0) and water level range outlier percentage (5%).


Section for selecting Years back (0) and LNAPL range outlier percentage (5%).

Historical Chart

Section that includes: a parameter for selecting the field to plot on the historical chart, 4 additional field(s) that can be shown on the historical tab grid, and 3 additional custom field(s) that can be shown on the hisotrical tab grid.

Historical Fields

Section for selecting historical field results, and historical field analytic methods.

Include Reportable Yes Only

Checkbox to include reportable yes only. Default: No.

Use RT MAG Units

Checkbox to use RT_MAG units. Default: No.


Section that includes Live parameter inputs:

Baro Logger: Logger_code and Baro Pressure Series Name.

Weather Station: Logger_code and Bar Pressure Series Name.

Transducer: Logger_code, series to be flagged and Tolerance value.


Starting CLP Number

Starting CLP Number (without chars: I O U V)

Output File Type

Parameter for report output type: XLS or XLSX.


When opened in EQuIS Professional or SPM with a database that does have the SPM Schema and the Live Schema, the input parameters include the following:


Input Parameters

Plan Code

Select a plan (only plans with applicable tasks are shown).

SPM Task Filter

Select one or more tasks.

Date Range


Select a start date.


Select an end date.


Parameter for selecting department(s).

Monitoring Program(s)

Parameter for selecting monitoring program(s).

Monitoring Type(s)

Parameter for selecting monitoring type(s).


Parameter for selecting authority(s).

Authority Type(s)

Parameter for selecting authority type(s).

Task Type(s)

Parameter for selecting task type(s).

Priority Ranking(s)

Parameter for selecting priority ranking(s).

Person Name(s)

Parameter for selecting person(s).

Company Code(s)

Parameter for selecting company code(s).


Parameter for selecting project(s).

SPM Task Code(s)

Parameter for selecting SPM task code(s).

Sampling Company Code(s)

Select one or more sampling company code.

Only Task Locations

Checkbox to only include locations from the selected tasks. Default: True.

Include SPM COCs for Selected Tasks

Checkbox to include SPM COCs for selected tasks. Default: False.


Select one or more user. Users selected can be available as list in collect forms.

Include Subfacilities

Checkbox to include subfacilities related to the selected locations. Default: False.

Only Selected Locations

Checkbox to only include locations from the selected locations below. Default: False.

Reference Locations


Parameter for selecting individual locations.


Parameter for selecting location groups.


Parameter for selecting the COORD_TYPE_CODE.


Parameter for selecting the coordinate identifier.

Status Flag

Selection parameter for STATUS_FLAG.


Include Flow Parameters

Checkbox to include flow parameters. Default: False.

Include Last Measurement

Checkbox to include last measurement. Default: False.

Alarm Criteria (%)

Input for alarm criteria percentage.

Export Last Sample End Date

Checkbox to export last sample end date. Default: False.

Task Code(s)

Parameter for selecting task code(s).

Select Format

Parameter for selecting format file.

Select Segment Type for Top of Screen and Well diameter

Parameter for selecting segment type for top of screen and well diameter.

Reference Elevation

Parameter for selecting reference elevation: historical_reference_elev, measure_datum, or top_casing_elev.


Well Redevelopment

Section for including Pre-Redevelopment and Redevelopment data to the selected locations. Defaults: False.


Parameter for selecting activities by data logger session code.

Water Levels

Section for selecting Years back (0) and water level range outlier percentage (5%). Years Back value must be an integer.


Section for selecting Years back (0) and LNAPL range outlier percentage (5%). Years Back value must be an integer.

Historical Chart

Section that includes: a parameter for selecting the field to plot on the historical chart, 4 additional field(s) that can be shown on the historical tab grid, and 3 additional custom field(s) that can be shown on the hisotrical tab grid.

Historical Fields

Section for selecting historical field results, and historical field analytic methods.

Include Reportable Yes Only

Checkbox to include reportable yes only. Default: No.

Use RT MAG Units

Checkbox to use RT_MAG units. Default: No.


Section that includes Live parameter inputs:

Baro Logger: Logger_code and Baro Pressure Series Name.

Weather Station: Logger_code and Bar Pressure Series Name.

Transducer: Logger_code, series to be flagged and Tolerance value.


Starting CLP Number

Starting CLP Number (without chars: I O U V)

Output File Type

Parameter for report output type: XLS or XLSX.


When historical data are selected in the report, the data are populated into the EDGE_Historical section of the EDD. These historical data are used as input into EDGE, populating different EDGE forms. Historical water level related measurements (e.g., water level depth, water level elevation) are from the DT_WATER_LEVEL table.


The “Field Results” parameter displays a selection list from the DT_RESULT.REMARK column. When a “Remark” value is selected, all matching DT_RESULT table records are added to the EDGE_Historical worksheet. For the “Field Analytical Methods” parameter, all DT_RESULT table record values with matching the DT_TEST table analytic methods are added to the EDGE_Historical tab.


When set to “yes”, the “Include Reportable Yes Only” parameter filters only the results with REPORTABLE_RESULT column marked as “Yes” or “Y”. When set to “yes”, the “Use RT_MAG Units” parameter converts the results’ numeric value from the reported unit to the reference value analytes’ unit.


1Excel report output requires a valid license of Microsoft Excel to view the output.