Separate a Facility from a Database

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Separate a Facility from a Database

The method for separating a facility out from an EQuIS Database is highly dependent on the kinds of data present in the facility and what needs to be migrated over. This article explains the options available.


Export EDDs


This works best if all the data has been loaded via EDD previously, preferably a single format with export functionality.

This is great for creating a portable dataset in an Excel format that can be easily distributed, if needed.

Start with the RefVals format export, then the main data EDD export.

Other data may need to be exported that may require additional formats, e.g. ActionLevels, GeologyEDD, ESBasic Results, Historical, WaterLevel, etc.


Facility Migration Tool


This is the quickest and simplest method, however, a little configuration of the migrate process may be needed and care must be taken to ensure all objects are migrated over.

Customizing the migration to skip tables, an option to perform this using a SQL script in SQL Server Management Studio, which allows more robust customizations, is explained in the help article EQuIS Facility Migration.


Create New Database Copy and Delete Unnecessary Facilities


The help article Delete a Facility provides additional information and instruction about the following.


Two different methods to delete a facility.

How to perform a cascade delete on DT_FACILITY for facilities that are not needed. There may be many errors that occur due to related records, however, it is possible to resolve these as shown in Method 2.

The esp_delete_facility procedure is explained in Method 1.