Live EIA Setup

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Live EIA Setup

Certain EQuIS Live Agents may be run as a scheduled EQuIS Information Agent (EIA). Schedule an EIA using the EZView Widget or EIA Widget. To add a Live Agent EIA using the EZView widget, follow these steps:

1.Add an EZView widget to a dashboard.

2.Click the EZView widget's Properties Ent-Report_Edit-icon icon in the top right of the widget ribbon.

3.Under Choose a report in the Data tab, select an EQuIS Live Agent or Historical Data Loader.

4.Click the Edit Ent-Report_Edit-icon icon to open the report parameter editor.

5.If available, select parameters for this report.


7.Go to the EQuIS Information Agent tab.

8.Enable Agent (EIA) for this report.

9.Configure the agent to run based on what frequency or on what triggers you desire (see the EZView Widget - EQuIS Information Agent section for more details). Note that frequency should be set either to or greater than the intervals of data availability to maintain database performance.


After the report completes, the new data should be available in DT_LOGGER_SERIES and DT_LOGGER_DATUM.


Note that if different loggers/series require different frequencies/settings for the same EQuIS Live agent, multiple versions of the same report can be saved (with different names) and run as separate EIAs.