Live File Processor Agent Windows Service

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Live File Processor Agent Windows Service

Installation and Setup


Follow these steps to install, configure, and start this agent as a Windows Service.


Before using this agent, a databaseConnection connectionString, and a configKey value, need to be defined in the *.config file. (Users can also change the common app settings, for all EQuIS Live Agents that can be installed as Windows Services, listed here.)

1.Open the EarthSoft.Live.Agents.File Processor.exe.config file in a text editor (e.g., Notepad++).

2.Find the desired items and set their values.

3.Save and close the *.config file.

4.Start/restart the agent so it will detect the changes.







The ST_CONFIG.CONFIG_KEY that contains the processor/file type settings (e.g., Agent).



Tip: If running multiple instances of this agent, set the configKey and the serviceNameSuffix to the same value, and also add this value to the agent's folder name, to more easily identify which service, and agent folder/exe, uses which ST_CONFIG.CONFIG_KEY.



Continuous Data Loading


When the agent starts, it connects to the EQuIS Live database and watches each processor's folderWatcherPath for file changes. When the agent detects a new file, or new data in an existing file, it automatically loads the data.



Command Line Options


EarthSoft.Live.Agents.File Processor.exe supports the following command line options:





Save the ST_CONFIG table settings to an EarthSoft.Live.FileProcessor.YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS.config.json file. (A databaseConnection connectionString, and a configKey value, need to be defined in the EarthSoft.Live.Agents.File Processor.exe.config file first.)

e.g., db2json or db2json "HOBO|In-Situ-5|Landtec"


Not specifying a processor will save all the ST_CONFIG table settings to the *.json file.


Add (or update) the EarthSoft.Live.FileProcessor.config.json file (example) settings to the ST_CONFIG table. (A databaseConnection connectionString, and a configKey value, need to be defined in the EarthSoft.Live.Agents.File Processor.exe.config file first.)

e.g., json2db or json2db "HOBO|In-Situ-5|Landtec"


Not specifying a processor will add all *.json file settings to the ST_CONFIG table.


Note: This command saves the original ST_CONFIG table settings (for all processors) to an EarthSoft.Live.FileProcessor.YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS.config.json file first. To restore the original settings, rename EarthSoft.Live.FileProcessor.YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS.config.json to EarthSoft.Live.FileProcessor.config.json (rename the original EarthSoft.Live.FileProcessor.config.json file first) and run json2db.


Load data for all files that were added to the watched folder(s), or changed, while the agent was not running.

e.g., loaddata or loaddata "HOBO|In-Situ-5|Landtec"


Not specifying a processor will load data for all processors.


Common command line options for all EQuIS Live Agents that can be installed as Windows Services are listed here.