EnviroInsite Piper Diagram

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EnviroInsite Piper Diagram

Report Name: EnviroInsite Piper Diagram (example)

File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.EnviroInsite.dll

Dependencies: Licensed EnviroInsite Module

Software: EnviroInsite

Source: EnviroInsite install

Language: English

Output Type: *.pdf, *.svg, *.dxf, *.dwg, *.shp, *.emf, *.wmf, *.png, *.jpg, *.tif, *.vds, or *.vdml


Description: The EnviroInsite Piper Diagram report produces a conventional Piper diagram for a set of user-selected anions and cations and exports the result to a vector or image graphics file.


Installation Instructions:

To run in EQuIS Professional, the EarthSoft.Reports.Library.EnviroInsite.dll file should be installed to the EQuIS installation folder. A local installation of EQuIS EnviroInsite v7 and a template file are required to run this export. If the reports are grayed out, make sure to select the EnviroInsite license under the Decision Support license chooser.


For EQuIS Enterprise and ArcEQuIS, additional files must be added to the Enterprise bin folder. The required files are packaged (EnviroInsite_Enterprise_package_x64_{#}.zip) and available on the EarthSoft Community Center Downloads page (All Items\Products\EnviroInsite\v7).


ArcEQuIS also requires that the report be published to the database in EQuIS Professional.


See the EnviroInsite Report Installation article for more detailed information.



Users may elect to plot labels indicating the sample location ID. Users may also elect to represent an additional analyte (typically total dissolved solids) as circles in the upper quadrant of the diagram, where the radius of each circle is proportional to the log-scale of the selected analyte. Label positions are auto-placed by the program to avoid overlapping of labels and crossed leader lines.


Concentrations of cations and anions are converted from mass to milliequivalents (meq) based on the entered values of equivalent weight in populated RT_ANALYTE_DETAIL.EQUIVALENT_WEIGHT fields. Only analytes for which RT_ANALYTE_DETAIL.EQUIVALENT_WEIGHT has been populated will be available for selection within the report. EnviroInsite expects that the equivalent weight of anions will be entered as negative quantities, while cations will carry positive equivalent weight values. For additional information on Piper Diagrams using EnviroInsite, please see the online help article, Piper Diagram.


Report Parameters

Output Type (required)

Select the file output type from the following list of permissible values: PDF, SVG, DXF, DWG, SHP, EMF, WMF, PNG, JPG, TIF, VDS, and VDML.

Plot Label?

Check to plot a label next to each measured value.


  Plot Legend

Check to create a legend for the plotted points.

  Legend Title

Enter text string describing the plotted points.


  Style (required)

Select the symbol style.

  Color (required)

Select the symbol color.

  Height (required)

Select the symbol height.


  Bottom Axis (required)

Select the one or two anions to be plotted on the bottom axis, where anions identified based on negative equivalent weight values.

  Left Axis (required)

Select the one or two anions to be plotted on the left axis.

  Right Axis (required)

Select the one or two anions to be plotted on the right axis.


  Bottom Axis (required)

Select the one or two cations to be plotted on the bottom axis, where cations identified based on positive equivalent weight values.

  Left Axis (required)

Select the one or two cations to be plotted on the left axis.

  Right Axis (required)

Select the one or two cations to be plotted on the right axis.


  Fraction (required)

Select the fraction value used to filter based on DT_TEST.FRACTION.

  Matrix (required)

Select the matrix value used to filter based on DT_SAMPLE.MATRIX.


  Total Dissolved Solid

Select the analyte to be used in plotting of scaled circles typically used in Piper diagrams for conveying the concentration of total dissolved solids.

  Scale Max. Value (required if total dissolved solid value entered)

Enter the maximum value to be presented on the TDS scale bar.

  Display Scale (required if total dissolved solid value entered)

Enter the length of the scale to be used to represent the entered Scale Max Value.



Enter individual locations to be plotted in the Piper diagram.


Enter one or more location groups.



Enter sample type.

  Date Range

     Start Date (required)

Enter start date.

     End Date (required)

Enter end date, where selection includes samples taken on either sample or end date.


Select one or more sample tasks.

  Task Code 2(s)

Select one or more task code 2 values.

  Field SDG(s)

Select one or more field SDG values.



Enter one or more test methods.

  Column Number(s)

Enter one or more test column numbers.


Select one or more test types.

  Lab Matrix(ces)

Select one or more test lab matrices.

  Prep Method(s)

Select one or more preparation methods.

  Lab SDG(s)

Select one or more lab SDG(s).



Select one or more result types.

  Non-Detect Multiplier (required)

Enter the non-detect multiplier to be used in designation of values for flagged non-detect results.


Select reportable values.


Select one or more validated values.


Note: To avoid receiving a blank Piper Diagram in the output, be sure the following data requirements exist:

At least six analytes (three cations and three anions) that contain data from the same sample are chosen. It is often helpful to first run the Analytical Results II Report for the selected analytes to check.

DT_RESULT.RESULT_UNIT cannot be null for any of the selected analytes.

DT_TEST.FRACTION should match across the selected analytes, and this FRACTION should be selected as a parameter.

Make sure there are not duplicate records in RT_ANALYTE.CHEMICAL_NAME for any of the selected analytes.


Our developers are working on adding a helpful message when data is missing from the dataset, rather than producing an empty output.


Warning: The selections in the EnviroInsite query do not get reset after running the report. For example, if Bicarbonate is selected in the parameters and the report returns a blank output because Bicarbonate does not have data, and then Bicarbonate is removed from the report parameter selection and rerun, the report output will still be blank. The workaround for this issue is to clear the workspace before rerunning the report/form. This has been escalated for resolution in a future build.