DQM Event Report

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DQM Event Report

Report Name: DQM Event Report

File Name: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.63867.dll

Dependencies: Licensed DQM and DQM Schema

Software: EQuIS DQM, EQuIS Professional

Source: EQuIS Professional Install (DQM)

Language: English

Output Type: Excel1


At any point during or after the data validation review, saved DQM Events can be exported by running this DQM Event Report or by using the DQM Events Export Form. The report produces a selectable variety of tabs in an Excel report output.


Installation Instructions: This report requires a licensed EQuIS DQM and the DQM Schema applied to the database. The report is included in the EQuIS Professional install when the DQM feature has been enabled during installation.



The possible tabs include:


The Event Summary as it appears on the DQM Event Review Form.

A summary of the samples and methods reviewed.

Exceptions on a single tab sorted by check, sample or chemical.

oWarnings will be added to a Warnings tab.

Exceptions on separate tabs for each check. These tabs will include:

oResults with DQM identified exceptions.

oResults with manually added qualifiers.

oAny warnings for the check are listed below the exceptions.

Exceptions on separate tabs for each sample. These tabs will include:

oResults with DQM identified exceptions.

oResults with manually added qualifiers.

oWarnings will be added to a Warnings tab.

All Results containing all analytical results in the dataset with the associated qualifiers and DQM remarks.

A Validation Report tab with column options and footnotes:

oDefault required columns including Qualifiers and Reason Codes.

oAdditional columns available via report parameter selection.

oFootnotes with any applied Reason Codes, with their respective Descriptions.

The Event Errors as they appear on the DQM Event Review Form.


Select the DQM Event Report.


Select the saved DQM Event and other input parameters for exporting data from the Event:


Report Parameters

DQM Event

Event Summary

Include Event Summary

Check box to include event summary. Default: True.

Include Event Errors

Check box to include event errors. Default: False.

Samples and Methods

Include Summary of Samples and Methods

Check box to include the Samples and Methods Reviewed worksheet. Default: False

Row Header

Select column for the row header. Default: SYS_SAMPLE_CODE

Include Event Exception by Check

Check box to include event exception by check. Default: False.

Include Event Exception by Sample

Check box to include event exception by Worksheet. Default: False.

Include Event Exception on single Worksheet

Default: Check

Include All results

Check box to include all results. Default: True.

Validation Report Worksheet

Include Validation Report

Default: True

Additional Columns


1Excel report output requires a valid license of Microsoft Excel to view the output.