Import a COC Template for COC Report

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Import a COC Template for COC Report

Before the COC Report may be run in Sample Planning Module (SPM), a COC template must be uploaded to the EQuIS database with the instructions below. This COC template may be the same template used when creating COCs in EDGE, and can be customized as described here: COC Templates.

1.Open EQuIS Professional and login to the EQuIS database.

2.Click Forms.

3.Select the Docs & Photos form and click Open.

4.Expand the file tree under My Computer (on the left side of the form) to navigate to where the COC Template file is stored.

5.On the right side, select the desired facility/folder to which the template should be uploaded.

6.Click Upload. Wait until the Progress Bar indicates upload is complete and the file is displayed on the right side of the form.

7.Close the Docs & Photos form.

8.Click Data Tables on the EQuIS Professional menu ribbon.

9.Open the DT_FILE table.

10.Find the row with the COC Template file and enter a word that starts with "coc" in the PLACE_TYPE column (e.g., "coc template").

11.Click Save.

12.The COC Template will now be available in the SPM - COC Report.