Geotechnical Format

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Geotechnical Format

The Geotechnical format (i.e., is designed to upload geotechnical data to the appropriate EQuIS database tables. The file is installed in the EQuIS Professional formats folder (e.g., C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\EQuIS\Formats\EarthSoft).


The format contains sections for:

Facility information

Location data 

Boring and drilling information

Well data

Geological descriptions

Insitu testing


Lab testing

gINT specific parameters





Note: The RECOVERY_LENGTH and RQD_LENGTH fields in the Coring section are converted to percent values using the START_DEPTH, END_DEPTH, and LENGTH_UNIT values and are then stored in DT_GEO_CORING.RECOVERY_PERCENT and DT_GEO_CORING.RQD_PERCENT.  RECOVERY_LENGTH and RQD_LENGTH are also stored directly in DT_GEO_CORING.RECOVERY_LENGTH and DT_GEO_CORING.RQD_LENGTH.