Exporting and Importing RTs

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Exporting and Importing RTs

Export Reference Values into *.xls

Export Reference Values into *.rvf

Import Reference Values


Export Reference Values into *.xls


To export a set of reference values into an *.xls file that you can later import using refvals.zip, complete the following.

1.Open EQuIS Professional.

2.Open Reports.

3.Select the Reference Values Report.

4.Select the Status Flag(s) you would like.

5.Run the report. The report will be saved into your database's Working Folder as an Excel file.


Export Reference Values into *.rvf


An alternative way to export reference values is explained below. This EQuIS Data Processor alternative option may not export all the desired reference tables. Review which tables are included in the export carefully.


Complete the following to export a set of reference values into an *.rvf file through EQuIS Professional EDP.

1.Open EQuIS Professional EDP.

2.Click on Format and open the desired Format file.

3.Click on EDD and open the corresponding Data File.

4.Click on the Professional Tab at the top.

5.Click on Reference Values (*.rvf) in the Package Group.

6.Navigate to the desired save location.

7.Name your file.

8.Select Save.

9.Close Professional EDP.


Import Reference Values


The refvals.zip EDP format is useful for importing reference values into an EQuIS Database. To import a set of reference values using the refvals.zip format, complete the following.

1.Open Professional EDP.

2.Open the refvals.zip format file.

3.Open your saved *.xls (or *.xml) file containing the reference values.

4.Fix any errors. (note: the STATUS_FLAG, EBATCH, and DISPLAY_ORDER columns should have been removed previously).

5.Commit your data to the database.