Uploading Files in EDP

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Uploading Files in EDP

Files can be loaded to an EQuIS database in EDP when a format contains a Files, Files_v1, etc. section. The EQuIS database mainly stores files in the DT_FILE data table. See File Management in EQuIS Professional for additional details.


Before adding a file of a new file type, create a record for that file type in RT_FILE_TYPE. For more information on this reference table, see RT_FILE_TYPE – MIME Types.


Any files in the .*zip package that do not match a section name will be added to the Files section by EDP. For example, if a *.txt file named Well_v1.txt and a *.pdf file named SamplePlan.pdf both exist in the package, the SamplePlan.pdf file will be added to the Files section and the content of the Well_v1.txt file will be loaded to the Well_v1 section. See the Loading .zip Files section for additional information.


Alternately, files can be added to an EDD directly in EDP by clicking the button, shown below, in the file_name field:
