Setup Reference Values for EQuIS Vapor Intrusion Module

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Setup Reference Values for EQuIS Vapor Intrusion Module

To ensure that the EQuIS Vapor Intrusion reference values are present during the data import process, users will need to populate the following fields in the EQuIS database:

RT_BUILDING_TYPE.BUILDING_TYPE – Identifies the type of building being sampled/evaluated (e.g., Industrial, Commercial, Residential)

RT_BUILDING_USE_TYPE.BUILDING_USE_TYPE – Identifies how the building is being used (e.g., Manufacturing, Warehouse, Dry Cleaner)

RT_FOUNDATION_TYPE.FOUNDATION_TYPE – Designates the type of foundation for the building (e.g., Basement, Crawl Space, Slab)

RT_SUBFACILITY_PARAM_TYPE.PARAM_CODE –  Unique parameter codes designed for investigating vapor intrusion in buildings (e.g., Cleaning Products, New Carpet, Number of Occupants, etc.)


An example reference value EDD file for vapor intrusion data (VI_ReferenceValueEDD_Example.xls) is available on the EarthSoft Community Center for download.





If desired, populate the DT_PERSON table with a list of all the field personnel involved in the data collection. This is optional and may be useful when setting up field personnel fields in the Collect Forms.

PERSON_NAME – This is a required field and the name must be unique across the database.

TITLE – If helpful, populate this field with the person’s title or to which team they belong (e.g., Calibrator, Auditor, Sampler, Manager).

COMPANY_CODE – This field can be used to distinguish agency personnel from the non-agency personnel. In Collect, a filter can be setup to only show agency personnel on forms.