Enterprise (7.21.3)

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Enterprise (7.21.3)





Map Widgets: Esri JS API Updated to 4.20 [d9113]

The Esri JavaScript API version used in EQuIS Enterprise has been updated to 4.20.





Login: New Configuration Setting to Specify Which Claim of AAD ID_TOKEN Used to Identify User [d10128]

In the EQuIS Enterprise 7.20.2 Build and earlier builds, the "preferred_name" claim was used to identify the user. In EQuIS Enterprise 7.20.3 through 7.21.2 Builds, any of the following claims will be used (whichever is found first in the Azure Active Directory (AAD) ID_TOKEN): "preferred_name", "unique_name", "email", "upn". This creates a problem when the EQuIS ST_USER table record contains specific values, but the ID_TOKEN contains different values in those other claims - as whichever claim is found first in the token is used, and that may not match the value in the EQuIS ST_USER record. Starting with the EQuIS Enterprise 7.21.3 Build, the ST_CONFIG table setting that enables AAD authentication may also indicate the specific claim that should be used to identify the user (thus eliminating the problem that may occur when more than one claim exists in the ID_TOKEN with different values). See the AAD authentication instructions (https://help.earthsoft.com/index.htm?ent-azure-active-directory.htm) for more information.





Time Series Chart and Vertical Profile Chart Widgets: Clear Individual Data Series [d10653]

Attempts to clear individual series data in the Widget Editor for the Time Series Chart and/or Vertical Profile Chart widgets would close the dialog, and thus prevent the widget edits to be saved. This has been fixed so the Widget Editor dialog will not close when removing individual series data. 





Data Grid Widget: Validate JSON in Widget Editor Advanced Tab [d10659]

The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) editor in the Advanced tab of the Data Grid Widget Editor now validates JSON and will display an error message if the JSON entered is invalid.





Enterprise: Creating New Account Validation Error Message [d10711]

Updated the registration page to remove inappropriate password validation error messages that displayed when submitting request.





EDP EDD Upload Widget: Use POST api/edp Endpoint [d10730]

The EDP EDD Upload widget now uses the POST api/edp endpoint to upload EDD data. 





REST API: New api/facilities/GeoJSON Endpoint [d10826]

Added a new api/facilities/GeoJSON endpoint to the Facilities Controller that returns a GeoJSON layer of EQuIS facilities and their polygon outlines.





Data Grid Widget: Advanced Tab and Report Tab Data Not in Sync [d10828]

Resolved an issue where data changes in the Advanced tab and the Report tab of the Widget Editor were not in sync.





REST API: Report FeatureLayer Query Output Issues [d10843]

Fixed a bug where OBJECTID values for report FeatureLayer features were not set correctly while filtering or sorting. 





Enterprise EDP Workflow: Add Ability to Define Culture Setting for Each EDD [d10936]

Users are now able to set the culture for specific EDDs by adding an identifier to the EDD Name. This identifier is set in the ST_CONFIG table as a regular expression. By default, the string value in ST_CONFIG is set to this regular expression "(?<=\[).+?(?=\])" that looks for a culture identifier in the EDD name separated by square brackets. For example: ExampleEDD[de-de].Springfield.EQEDD.zip contains German culture settings.





Map Widget: Symbol Outline Style Always Displaying as "Solid" [d10967]

Fixed a bug in the Map Widget that was causing the symbol outline style to be always displayed as "solid".





Document and Photo Browser Widget: Added Filtering/Searching [d10972]

A filter bar has been added to the list pane in the Document and Photo Browser widget. 





Map and Traffic Light Map Widgets: Error Message When WebGL is Disabled [d10988]

Added an error message to the Map and Traffic Light Map widgets to alert users when WebGL is disabled in their browser.





Time Series Chart and Vertical Profile Chart Widgets: Fixed Errors Related to Markers Option [d11042]

Two bugs have been fixed for the Time Series Chart and Vertical Profile Chart widgets that resulted in errors. Bulk editing the "Markers?" option now results in the chart rendering correctly. The checkbox for toggling the "Markers?" for a single series has also been fixed.





Enterprise: Workflow Agent Credentials Are Encrypted in ST_CONFIG [d11151]

Credentials for EmailDeliver, EmailRetrieve, and FTPRetrieve agents are now encrypted in the ST_CONFIG table when updated via the Workflow widget or the PUT api/workflow/services/{service_name} endpoint. The credentials will also be encrypted when creating a new agent via the Workflow widget or the POST api/workflow/services endpoint. 

Only new credentials will be encrypted. To encrypt current credentials, do the following:
  1. Open a Workflow widget.
  2. Clear the password fields for the EmailDeliver, EmailRetrieve, and FTPRetrieve agents.
  3. Save the Widget Editor.
  4. Open the Workflow widget again. 
  5. Enter the password for EmailDeliver, EmailRetrieve, and FTPRetrieve agents.
  6. Save the Widget Editor.
  7. Your credentials will now be stored as encrypted values in the ST_CONFIG table.
If you are changing your workflow agent credentials, you can input the new password as normal and your credentials will be encrypted.

*Note: Credentials will not be encrypted if modifying ST_CONFIG directly. EarthSoft recommends using the Workflow widget for updating your credentials.





Traffic Light Map Widget: Vertical Tabs in Widget Editor [d11173]

Vertical tabs have been implemented in the Widget Editor for the Traffic Light Map widget.





Vertical Profile Chart Widget: Legend Is Unchecked After Adding Series [d11180]

Fixed a bug in the Vertical Profile Chart widget where the legend became unchecked after adding a series in the Widget Editor.





ST_CONFIG: disableCertificateCheck Is Deprecated [d11193]

The ST_CONFIG table entry "disableCertificateCheck" has been removed.





Enterprise: Selectable Text in Widgets for Supported Browsers [d11215]

Fixed a bug where text in widget bodies was not selectable. Users will now be able to select and copy text from a widget body in the Chrome, Edge, and Firefox browsers. This functionality is not applicable to the Explorer widget or the Module Manager widget.





New Filter-Map Widget [d11231]

Added a new widget called the Filter-Map widget that allows users to select locations on a map to filter a dashboard.





Traffic Light Map Widget: Fix Bug Where Last Report Column Not Displaying When Configuring Comparisons [d11270]

Fixed a bug in the Traffic Light Map widget that resulted in the last column of a report not being displayed in the list of available columns when configuring comparisons.





Map Widget: Class Break Renderer Not Generating Correctly [d11301]

Users can now generate defined interval class break renderers in the Map widget when all report values are less than one. 





Map Widget: Not Creating Defined Interval Class Breaks When Interval Less Than One [d11321]

Fixed a bug in the Map Widget Editor where defined interval class break renderers were not working when the interval was less than one (1). 





Enterprise: Apostrophe Acceptable in User Email Address [d11331]

Enterprise user's email address can now include an apostrophe (i.e., single quote).





Map Widget: GeoJSON Layer Labels Not Showing [d11346]

Fixed a bug that was causing the GeoJSON layer labels to not display in the Map widget.





REST API: POST api/files Endpoint Allows for Content as Part of File Properties [d11379]

Updated the POST api/files endpoint to allow for content as part of file properties.





REST API: PUT api/files Endpoint Allows for Updating of OBJECT_EUID Field [d11419]

Modified the PUT api/files endpoint to allow for updating of OBJECT_EUID field.





EDP EDD Upload Widget: Display Only Formats to Which User Has Permissions [d11444]

The EDP EDD Upload widget and the underlying REST API endpoint have been updated to check file permissions for formats that are stored in the DT_FILE table and only display formats to which the user has permission. 





REST API: POST api/edp Endpoint No Longer Attempts to Base64 Encode Provided Values [d11467]

In previous builds, the POST api/edp endpoint always attempted to base64 decode the values provided, creating instances where non-encoded values would return "decoded". This was causing incorrect submittals and has been addressed so that these instances will no longer occur.





Date Format: Update to YYYY-MM-DD, ISO 8601 Standard [d11480]

Required date format for use when creating a new token, viewing expiration dates of existing tokens, creating or editing files, and creating or editing facilities is YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601 standard).





Time Series Chart and Vertical Profile Chart Widgets: Differentiate Marker Fill Based on Boolean Column Values [d11563]

Time Series Chart and Vertical Profile Charts widgets can now differentiate marker fill based on Boolean column values such as DETECT_FLAG.





EIAs: Allow for User-Renamed Formats to Trigger EIA [d11598]

Updated the logic of Format Triggers for EQuIS Information Agents (EIAs) to allow for formats that have been renamed by the user.





Dashboards: Add User Notifications Drop-down [d11619]

Added a personal notifications drop-down to the dashboard header that displays the latest 15 read and unread messages for the current user.





EDP EDD Status Widget: Enhanced Security [d11623]

Improved the relevance of returned tasks in the EDP EDD Status widget.





Explorer Widget: Upload File Window Allows Users to Set and Edit OBJECT_EUID [d11644]

Updated the Upload File dialog window in the Explorer widget to allow users to set and edit the OBJECT_EUID field in the DT_FILE table to facilitate content management.





Enterprise Installer: Include Water Levels II Report DLL File [d11667]

Updated the Enterprise installer to include the Water Levels II Report DLL file.





REST API: POST api/files Endpoint Updated to Allow Setting OBJECT_EUID [d11699]

Updated the POST api/files endpoint to allow users to set OBJECT_EUID field in the Upload File dialog window in the Explorer widget.





Widgets: Select All Options from Header-less Widgets [d11705]

Fixed a bug that prevented a user from seeing all options when accessing the More Options menu for widgets not displaying the header.





Map Widget: Allow 3D Mode [d11736]

Added option to the Map widget to render in three dimensions (3D). Terrain features are also visible when the "Use 3D" option is checked in the Widget Editor.





Boring Log Widget: Fix Filter Event Handler [d11763]

Fixed the filter event handler in the Boring Log widget so that the widget will now respond to location filter events.





User Profile Editor: Generate Resource Specific Tokens [d11849]

It is now possible to generate resource specific tokens by entering an absolute URI in the "Subject" field of the "New Token" form.





Explorer Widget: Allow Users to Update File Content by Uploading New File [d11874]

Users can now update existing file content by uploading a new file through the Edit File window in the Explorer widget. The file metadata remains unchanged unless altered by the user. 





Filter - Map and Traffic Light Map Widgets: Add Translations for LeafletJS Map Zoom Buttons [d11958]

Added translations for the map zoom in/out buttons for the Filter - Map and Traffic Light Map widgets when in LeafletJS mode.





Filter - Map and Traffic Light Map Widgets: Scroll Issue in LeafletJS Mode [d11969]

Resolved an issue for the Filter - Map and Traffic Light Map widgets when in LeafletJS mode that allowed map objects to overlap the dashboard navigation bar when a user scrolled down the dashboard.





REST API: Notices Endpoints Return Correct Response Codes [d12055]

The following endpoints have been updated to return the appropriate response codes:
  • GET api/notices/{noticeId}
  • GET api/notices/{noticeId}/attachments/{attachmentId}/content





Time Series Chart and Vertical Profile Chart Widgets: Add Data Validation to Advanced Editor [d12162]

Data validation has been added to the Advanced tab of the Widget Editor in the Time Series Chart and Vertical Profile Chart Widgets. Invalid JSON will result in an error, and the Widget Editor cannot be saved until the error is resolved.





Enterprise: Updated Deployment Process to Insert Valid Files into DT_FILE [d12181]

Updated the deployment process to insert valid files (files that have an active record in the RT_FILE_TYPE table) into the DT_FILE table.





Enterprise: JSON Editors Display Line Numbers [d12209]

Updated JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) editors in application components to have line numbers.





REST API: PUT /api/workflow/services/{service_name} Updates Corresponding earthsoft.net ST_CONFIG Settings When Updating EmailDeliver, EmailRetrieve, and FTPRetrieve Agents [d12225]

Updating the EmailDeliver, EmailRetrieve, and FTPRetrieve agents via the Workflow widget or PUT /api/workflow/services/{service_name} will also update the corresponding earthsoft.net settings to contain the same values.





EDP EDD Upload Widget: Upload EDDs Without Selected Session Facility [d12365]

EDDs can now be uploaded via the EDP EDD Upload widget when the session facility is cleared, but will require the facility code of the facility receiving the EDD data to be present in the EDD file name. 





ST_CONFIG: Enhanced earthsoft.net Setting Security [d12377]

Enhanced the setting security for earthsoft.net in the ST_CONFIG table.





Time Series Chart Widget: Copy Widget Settings Not Functioning [d12427]

Fixed a bug that was preventing the Time Series Chart widget from copying widget settings.





Dashboards: Display Loading Indicator When Adding or Copying [d12431]

loading indicator will display while adding or copying a dashboard is in progress.





Enterprise: ẞ character Invalid in Username Field in "Create New Account" form and User Profile Editor [d12439]

The ẞ character is now flagged as invalid in the username field in the "Create New Account" form and in the User Profile Editor. 





Time Series Chart and Vertical Profile Chart Widgets: Display "Clear" Button Only on "Series Data" Tab [d12464]

The "Clear" button now only displays on the "Series Data" tab in the Widget Editor for the Time Series Chart and Vertical Profile Chart widgets.





Data Grid Widget: Report Tab Disabled When JSON Errors in Advanced Tab of Widget Editor [d12502]

If an error is present in the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) editor on the Advanced tab in the Data Grid Widget Editor, the Report tab will be disabled. The JSON error needs to be resolved to enable the Report tab.





Enterprise: Validation Error Always Displaying in JSON Editors [d12506]

Validation errors will always be in view in the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) editors in application components.





Enterprise Workflow Service: Issue with Empty string_value for EmailRetrieve Agent Configuration [d12508]

Having an empty string_value field for the EmailRetrieve agent settings in the ST_CONFIG table was making the Workflow Webjob be stuck in a "Pending Restart" status. This has been addressed to no longer be stuck in the status and will now inform the user there is an error in the Email Retrieve agent via the Workflow widget. 





Enterprise: Web App Fails When Hosted in IIS on FIPS Compliant Windows Machine [d12527]

Previous builds of EQuIS Enterprise would fail (preventing users from logging in) if the web application was hosted in IIS on a Windows machine with FIPS compliance enabled. This issue has been resolved and the application will now allow users to authenticate and use the application when the application is hosted in IIS on a Windows machine with FIPS compliance enabled. Please note that the EQuIS Enterprise web application will only work in IIS on Windows; it cannot be run in a non-Windows hosting environment.





Data Grid Widget: Decimal Separator Respected After Interaction with the Widget [d12990]

When the Data Grid is loaded in a language that uses a comma as the decimal separator, the decimal separator was only respected on initial load of the widget. This has been fixed so that the comma will always be the decimal separator for numeric values when the browser is set in a language that uses a comma as the decimal separator. 





Boring Log Widget: Dashboard Location Filter Prevents Downloading Boring Log [d13140]

Fixed an issue where a location filter set on a dashboard prevents downloading via the Boring Log widget.





Vertical Profile Chart Widget: X-Axes Adjust for Culture [d13145]

X-Axes in the Vertical Profile Chart widget now respect culture settings. There is a known issue that the "depth" X-axis does not respect culture formatting. 





Login Screen: Allow Longer Top-Level Domains in "Forgot your password?" Email Address Field [d13347]

The "Forgot your password?" dialog now accepts email addresses top-level domains greater than four characters.