EnviroInsite (22.1)

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EnviroInsite (22.1)






EnvironInsite Boring Log Report: Add Report Parameter to Control Column Visibility [d14480]

Added new report parameters to the EnviroInsite Boring Logs Report to temporarily adjust column visibility.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs: Use DXF Files for Hatch Patterns [d14481]

DXF files uploaded to the DT_FILE table for DT_LITHOLOGY.MATERIAL_NAME may now be used for hatch patterns in EnvironInsite boring log graphics.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs: Add n60 and n160 Fields [d14651]

Added fields to the Downhole Interval Data section of the EI Boring Log Template Designer for the n60 and n160 fields in the DT_GEO_STANDARD_PENETRATION table.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs: Dynamic Headers [d17037]

An option has been added to EnviroInsite Boring Logs to plot header data for any EQuIS data table (e.g., DT_) or view (e.g., VW_).





EnviroInsite Boring Logs: Add Ability to Use SQL Statements to Plot Data [d17046]

Database SQL functions may now be used to plot boring log column data. Added a Functions tab to the EnviroInsite Boring Log Template Designer.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs: Option to Plot Bottom Elevation in Downhole Interval Columns [d17639]

Bottom elevation text may now be plotted on downhole interval column data for EnviroInsite boring logs.





EnviroInsite Boring Log: Termination Depth from DT_LOCATION.TOTAL_DEPTH [d17710]

Boring log termination depths are now retrieved from the TOTAL_DEPTH field in the DT_LOCATION table.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs: Displaying Lithology Remarks [d17864]

Lithology remarks can now be displayed on EnviroInsite boring log interval columns.





EnviroInsite Reports: Automatically Select Facility [d17880]

Updated EnviroInsite reports to automatically select the session facility for the Enterprise dashboard.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs: Test Type Thickness Not Plotting Correctly [d18217]

Fixed a bug in the boring logs where test type thickness would not plot correctly when differing START_DEPTHs and END_DEPTHs were populated in the DT_SAMPLE and DT_GEO_TEST tables.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs: No Background Color in Downhole Columns [d18288]

The background fills may now be rendered transparent in downhole columns for EnviroInsite Boring Logs.





EnviroInsite Boring Logs: Inaccurate Recovery Length [d18791]

Fixed an issue where the recovery length and RQD length were not plotting correctly in EnviroInsite Boring Logs.