DQM – Ability to Lock a QAPP [d22907]
Ability to lock a QAPP in DQM is now possible so that only admin users can make changes to the QAPP. A new option to lock the QAPP has been added to the DQM Settings Form. The QAPP can also be locked by setting RT_DQM_QAPP.MASTER_QAPP_YN = 'Y' in the DQM QAPP EDD or in RT_DQM_QAPP directly.
DQM – Errors Will Save With DQM Event and Can Be Exported [d22387]
DQM Event Errors will now be saved with events. Saved event errors can be exported with DQM Events from the Export Event Form or the DQM Event Report.
We recommend republishing this report (EarthSoft.Reports.Library.63867.dll) to the database, following these instructions: https://help.earthsoft.com/pro_report-publisher.htm.
DQM – Moved Warning Messages from Errors to Exceptions [d22635]
DQM event warnings have been moved from the Errors tab to Review Exceptions by Check tab in a new Warnings grid. The Warnings grid is hidden if there are no warnings for the selected check. Warnings will be saved and can be exported with the DQM event.
DQM – Relative Percent Difference - Field Check Control Limits Not Set [d24410]
Fixed a bug in the DQM Field Relative Percent Difference (RPD) check that caused the control limit to not be set for the first result of each matrix; see the Forum Known Issue post
here for additional information.
DQM – Removed Hard Coded Default Check Parameter Values [d23238]
In previous releases DQM would substitute default values for missing or empty check parameters. Now DQM will add an error to the errors tab on the Event Review Form when a check parameter is missing or empty. Except for where the documentation states that the parameter can be empty or that a default value will be used. The Event Summary will also list the check as "FAILED".
DQM – Update Column Headers in the 'DQM Starter QAPP EDD.xlsx' [d23928]
Updated the column headers in the 'DQM Starter QAPP.xlsx' to correctly indicate primary key, unique key, required, and lookup fields.
DQM Complete Event Form – Added VALIDATION_LEVEL [d23804]
Added a new option for setting DT_RESULT.VALIDATION_LEVEL to the DQM Complete Event Form. The validation levels are from a new Global Parameter 'validation_levels' check parameter. The default validation levels are '2, 2A, 2B, 3, and 4'.
DQM Exceptions Report by EDD – Did Not Generate Output for Holding Time Check and Added Options To HT Types Parameter [d22372]
Fixed a bug that caused the DQM Exceptions Report by EDD to fail for the holding times check. The report did not show any exceptions. In addition, all holding time types were added to the Types report parameter.
DQM Export Event Form – Could Not Export to Unmapped Network Paths [d22144]
Fixed a bug that caused the DQM Export Event Form fail to export an event when the path was an unmapped network path ("\\network\").
DQM Start Event Form – Save Check Selections Caused 'Index 0' or 'DBNull to type String' Error [d23161]
Fixed a bug in the DQM Start Event Form that caused an error when certain check selections were saved. This error disabled the save button and prevented changes from being made to the saved selections.
Schema – DQM – Add THIRD_PARTY_ Columns to DT_RESULT_DQM [d23602]
Added the following columns to
DT_RESULT_DQM in the DQM Schema to allow for third party validation input:
THIRD_PARTY_QUALIFIER (varchar 20, null),
THIRD_PARTY_REASON_CODE (varchar 50, null), and
THIRD_PARTY_REMARK (varchar(max), null.
Schema – DQM – Add VALIDATION_LEVEL field to DT_RESULT [d23603]
Added a new column, VALIDATION_LEVEL, to the DT_RESULT table to store the level of data validation completed for each result.
NOTE: Changes to the DT_RESULT table can cause the schema update process to take a long time when that table contains a lot of records.
Schema – DQM – Expand Character Limit for DQM Remarks [d23601]
The following columns have had their available length increased to varchar(max) to allow for remarks that have been merged in the DQM process.
- DT_RESULT.DQM_REMARK varchar(max)
- DT_RESULT_DQM.REMARK varchar(max)
NOTE: Changes to the DT_RESULT table can cause the schema update process to take a long time when that table contains a lot of records.