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Navigation:  Configuration > App Config Files >


The proxy.config file is part of the Map Widget and may be found in the \Program Files\EarthSoft\Enterprise7\Widgets\EQuIS\GIS\ folder after the widget is deployed. EarthSoft clients that host an Esri map service internally will need to modify this file and add the information for their network.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

<!-- Proxy config is used to set the ArcGIS Server services that the proxy will forward to.


        mustMatch: true to only proxy to sites listed, false to proxy to any site -->

<ProxyConfig mustMatch="true">


    <!-- serverUrl options:

            url = location of the ArcGIS Server, either specific URL or stem

            matchAll = true to forward any request beginning with the URL

            token = (optional) token to include for secured service

            dynamicToken = if true, gets token dynamically with username and

              password stored in web.config file's appSettings section.


    <serverUrl matchAll="true">


    <serverUrl matchAll="true">


    <serverUrl matchAll="true">


