<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Professional > Setup > EQuIS Database or Enterprise Server Migration |
The steps below outline the process for migrating an EQuIS Database and Enterprise installation from one server to another.
•Make a full database backup of the EQuIS Database.
•Restore the EQuIS Database to the new server machine.
•Clear out the ST_LICENSE table using “delete from ST_LICENSE”, or something similar, via SQL Server Management Studio.
•Set up a backup schedule for the EQuIS Database on the new server.
Make a backup copy of the Enterprise Installation Directory from the old server (.\Program Files\EarthSoft\Enterprise7).
On the new server:
•Ensure that Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.7 with ASP.NET and IIS is installed first, and that ASP.NET is turned on in IIS. When installed on a server, that is done on the Roles page of the Server Manager.
•After installation, verify the IIS application pool and web application settings (adjust host header, virtual directory name, etc., as appropriate for your environment). We recommend that each web application run within its own unique application pool. Ensure that your web application is using an application pool with the following settings:
.NET CLR Version: Version 4.0.
Managed Pipeline Mode: Integrated
The ApplicationPoolIdentity is recommended for the IIS application pool process model identity (Advanced Settings), if possible. If this is not feasible, NetworkService is recommended. The LocalSystem identity is the least secure configuration, but is an acceptable option in controlled environments or on development systems, provided the implications are understood.
Download and install the software on the new server.
•Download the EQuIS Enterprise software from the EarthSoft Community Center; verify this is the same build as the EQuIS Database.
oBefore unzipping the file, first check to make sure it has been unblocked. If it has not been unblocked, right-click on the file, select Properties and click Unblock in the bottom-right of the screen.
•Unzip the file.
•Install EQuIS Enterprise using the .EXE installer. Run the .exe installer as administrator and step through the Setup Wizard. Make sure to run the .EXE for the install. This ensures that the necessary components will be installed correctly.
If you receive IIS "Internal Server Errors" after installation, you may want to run the following command to make sure that ASP.NET is correctly registered with IIS:
%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -i
Create the user in SSMS.
Note: The EQuIS Enterprise 7 Database Schema includes new tables that support the permissions infrastructure within the EQuIS Enterprise application. These tables begin with the XT_ prefix. The SQL login (the service account login) created for and used by the EQuIS Enterprise application is the only login that should (and must) have full permissions to the XT_ tables. All other SQL logins - especially the SQL logins used for ALS roles (e.g. ST_ROLE.CONNECTION_STRING) - must be denied INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE permissions to all tables that start with the XT_AUTH prefix. If you do not deny INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE permissions to these tables, you create a security vulnerability. Additionally, these logins should be denied UPDATE and DELETE permissions to the XT_AUDIT table (user logins should be granted INSERT permission to this table). |
Configure the database connection.
After the database has been successfully converted and updated, you are ready to configure the database connection within the software as follows:
1.Browse to the connectionStrings.config file found in the installation folder (e.g. \Program Files\EarthSoft\Enterprise7).
2.Copy the connectionStrings.config file from the backup copy of the Enterprise Installation Directory (.\Program Files\EarthSoft\Enterprise7\bin) from Step 2 and paste it into the new installation /bin folder. Alternatively, recreate the connectionStrings.config file with a text editor (e.g. Notepad).
3.Modify the connectionString attribute with a proper connection string as appropriate for your database connection.
a.Example connection string for SQL Server with Windows Authentication
Data Source=dbserver;Integrated Security=SSPI;Database=licensedb;
b.Example connection string for SQL Server with SQL Authentication:
Data Source=dbserver;User ID=someusername;Password=somepassword;
c.Replace the dbserver, someusername, and somepassword entries with the appropriate information. Make sure the semicolon at the end is maintained.
4.Modify the providerName attribute as appropriate for your database connection:
a.E.g. Microsoft SQL Server: EarthSoft.Common.Data.SqlConnection
5.Save and close the file.
All other configuration information is stored in the ST_CONFIG tables. If desired, you may want to limit access to ST_CONFIG for ALS logins.
Update the ST_ROLE table with updated connection strings for all ALS roles. This is important for users to connect to EQuIS Professional successfully with the Enterprise login.
/****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS ******/
SELECT TOP (1000) [role_id]
FROM [Equis7].[dbo].[st_role]
************* connection_string should match what’ is on the server or be null
Copy the web.config file from the backup copy of the Enterprise Installation Directory (.\Program Files\EarthSoft\Enterprise7) from Step 2 and paste it into the new installation folder.
If you are not using SSL (aka HTTPS), do the following:
1.Browse to your installation folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\Enterprise7).
2.Open the web.config file with a text editor (e.g. Notepad).
3.Find <httpCookies requireSSL="true" lockItem="true"/>
4.Change it to <httpCookies requireSSL="false" lockItem="true"/>
5.Save and close the file.
If you are running in a local IIS Server environment and Static Content is enabled in Windows Features, it may be necessary to comment out the staticContent block around lines 51-54 in the web.config file.
1.Browse to the installation folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\Enterprise7).
2.Open the web.config file with a text editor (e.g. Notepad).
3.Find <staticContent> at approximately line 51.
4.Comment out the staticContent as shown below:
<mimeMap fileExtension=".json" mimeType="application/json"/>
<mimeMap fileExtension=".woff" mimeType="font/woff"/>
<mimeMap fileExtension=".woff2" mimeType="font/woff2"/>
5.Save and close the file.
In order to use Windows Authentication, modify your .\Enterprise7\web.config file. Open web.config in an XML editor and at approximately line 19, change "none" to "Windows" as seen below:
Change this <authentication mode="None" /> to this <authentication mode="Windows" />
Start the EnterpriseAppPool application pool in IIS.
Apply licenses for the software:
•Obtain the new Server ID by running .\Enterprise7\bin\register.exe. You will find the Server ID on the Network Licenses tab of the Software Registration screen.
•Copy and paste the new Server ID and email it to EarthSoft Support. Wait for a response from EarthSoft Support before moving forward.
•The new keys will be emailed and will need to be pasted into the New Key Codes box of the same Network Licenses tab of the Software Registration screen.
Start the EQuIS Enterprise 7 Workflow service under Windows Services.
Open your web browser to your installed web application URL (e.g. https://localhost/equis7/default.aspx).
Log in using an Enterprise administrator account (default account is administrator/admin).
Warning: For security reasons, the default administrator password of "admin" should be changed immediately after initial login is successful. |
Append "action=deploy" to the URL to complete the deployment step. (e.g. https://localhost/equis7/default.aspx?action=deploy). You should see a list of files that were successfully processed.
Copyright © 2023 EarthSoft, Inc • Modified: 29 Mar 2022