EnviroInsite Spider Diagram

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EnviroInsite Spider Diagram

Report Name: EnviroInsite Spider Diagram (example)

File Name/stored procedure/function: EarthSoft.Reports.Library.EnviroInsite.dll

Dependencies: report, schema, licensing dependencies

Software: EnviroInsite, EQuIS Professional, EQuIS Enterprise, ArcEQuIS

Source: EnviroInsite install

Language: English

Output Type: Geographic feature data stored as shapefiles (*.shp)


Description: The EnviroInsite Spider Diagram is used to generate location specific table data, which is then exported to a shapefile. This shapefile can then be imported via ArcEQuIS to produce spider diagrams in ArcGIS Pro. See ArcEQuIS – Spider Diagram for instructions.


Installation Instructions:

To run in EQuIS Professional, the EarthSoft.Reports.Library.EnviroInsite.dll file should be installed to the EQuIS installation folder. A local installation of EQuIS EnviroInsite 7 is required to run the report.


For EQuIS Enterprise and ArcEQuIS, additional files must be added to the Enterprise bin folder. The required files are packaged (EnviroInsite_Enterprise_package_x64_{build #}.zip) and available on the EarthSoft Community Center Downloads dashboard (All Items\Products\EnviroInsite\v7).


ArcEQuIS also requires that the report be published to the database in EQuIS Professional.


See the EnviroInsite Report Installation article for more detailed information.



The crosstab output generates an additional row header for analytes and separates analytes into separate columns. When including header date, the output is transposed so that the columns include the dates and rows include the analytes.


The report generates data based on Constituent, Matrix, and Fraction pairs. Users should select a list of constituents, a single matrix, and a single fraction for the report to query the database and produce output.


To display shapefile data in ArcGIS Pro, the report requires projection data to be included in RT_COORD_TYPE.ESRI_SPATIAL_REF. An associated COORD_TYPE_CODE with the coordinate system and coordinate zone is also required to locate this data. If this information is missing, then there may be problems when plotting the spider diagrams.


Tables: All tables used by the Analytical Results Report and DT_WATER_LEVEL


Report Parameters

Output Type (required)

Select the file output type from the following list of permissible values: SHP



Enter individual locations to be plotted.


 Date Range

    Start (required)

Enter start date.

    End (required)

Enter end date.

 Matrix (required)

Select a matrix code.


    Minimum Depth

Enter minimum depth value.

    Maximum Depth

Enter maximum depth.


 Fraction (required)

Select a fraction value.



    Individual(s) (required)

Select individual analytes.



    Minimum Elevation

Select minimum elevation value.

    Maximum Elevation

Select maximum elevation value.


    X Minimum

Select minimum X coordinate.

    X Maximum

Select maximum X coordinate.

    Y Minimum

Select minimum Y coordinate.

    Y Maximum

Select maximum Y coordinate.

Output Options

EnviroInsite Options: See related articles Data Table and EQuIS Query.

    Crosstab Results (required)

Create crosstab tables**

    Include Header Dates (required)

Include dates in header column of crosstab plots.

    Tabulate By Depth (required)

Merge tables with identical location ids and sort by depth.

    Show Leader Lines (required)

Set the leader style when plotting tables.

    Optimize Locations (required)

Optimize table locations.