How Does EnviroInsite Generate Contours in Plan View?

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How Does EnviroInsite Generate Contours in Plan View?

1.Set query characteristics (select analyte, media, fraction, date range, depth range...).

2.Set the rectangular area on which the contours are to be generated. By default, this is set to the area spanning all locations in the database.

3.Set the grid resolution. EnviroInsite interpolates the data onto the grid corners and then develops the contours based on the interpolated values. Increasing resolution will allow the contours to represent more small-scaled features.

4.Set interpolation options. You may contour based on kriging, inverse distance, linear interpolation, and natural neighbor methods. Each of these methods has additional parameters that can be set to achieve a good result.

5.EnviroInsite draws the contours using code adapted from the xfarbe contouring algorithm. More information is available from