New Enterprise 7 Installation

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New Enterprise 7 Installation


Please read this entire article carefully and plan appropriately before beginning.

This article is for clients creating a new Enterprise 7 installation.

This article assumes the installer has a good working knowledge of web server infrastructure, specifically Windows Server and IIS.

Recursive triggers must be enabled for the database. This can be enabled under the Options tab of the database properties in SQL Server Management Studio.

Please refer to the Installation Troubleshooting article for any errors you may encounter, or write to for assistance.



Prior to installation, please review the release notes for hardware and software requirements and additional release information.

In IIS v10, the following have to be enabled in Windows Server Manager for EQuIS Enterprise to function:

Server Roles: Web Server (IIS) (installs with default selections)

Features: ASP.NET 4.5 or ASP.NET 4.7 (dependent on Windows Server version)

Server Roles > Web Server (IIS) > Application Development:

.NET Extensibility 4.7

ASP.NET 4.7 (this will enable ISAPI Extensions and Filters)

EQuIS Professional 7 must be installed prior to upgrading/installing EQuIS Enterprise. See Installation and Upgrade.



Create EQuIS Database and Service Account


1.Using EQuIS Professional, create the EQuIS Database (see Create New EQuIS Database (SQL Server and SQL Server Express)).

2.Create an Enterprise service account.

a.Connect to SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

b.Select Security> Logins.

c.Within Logins, right-click and select "New Login".

d.Navigate to the General tab, and create a name in "Login name".

i.Select SQL Server authentication. Create and confirm a password.

ii.Select the EQuIS database in "Default database".


Note: An ampersand (&) should not be used in the password for the service account.


e.Navigate to the Server Roles tab.

i.Choose public.

f.Navigate to User Mapping.

i.Select the EQuIS Database to map to.

ii.Select Database role membership and assign the following roles:




g.Select OK to save the settings.

3.Select the EQuIS database> Security> Users.

a.Confirm the Enterprise service account created in Step 2 is present.

b.Login to SSMS using the newly created username/password to confirm that the credentials are valid.



Apply Network Licenses


Please follow the instructions in the EQuIS Professional article to Apply Network Licenses.



Installation Instructions


The EQuIS Enterprise 7 download links are available for download at the EarthSoft Community Center.


1.Download EQuIS Enterprise 7 installer (.zip) from the Downloads Dashboard (Products> EQuIS Enterprise> 7).

2.Extract the files downloaded in Step 1.

3.Run the Enterprise 7.exe file as administrator and step through the installation wizard.

4.Configure the database connection in the connectionStrings.config file using the service account credentials created in the previous section.

a.Browse to the installation \bin directory (e.g., C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\Enterprise7\bin).

b.Open the connectionStrings.config file with a text editor with administrator privileges.

c.Copy the example connection string from line 4 and place it between the quotes after connectionString in line 5.

d.Update the Data Source, username, password and database to the database server, username and password (created in Step 2), and EQuIS database .

Example Line 5:

<add name="localhost" connectionString="Data Source=YourServerName;User ID=ServiceAccountUsername;Password=ServiceAccountPassword;Database=YourDatabaseName;Pooling=true;" providerName="EarthSoft.Common.Data.SqlConnection" />


Note: An ampersand (&) should not be used in the password for the connectionString (i.e., service account).


e.Save and close the file.

5.By default EQuIS 7 uses an SSL connection, however, this can be disabled if this is not required.

a.Browse to the installation folder (e.g., C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\Enterprise7).

b.Open the Web.config file with a text editor.

c.Find <httpCookies requireSSL="true" lockItem="true"/>.

d.Change it to <httpCookies requireSSL="false" lockItem="true"/>.

e.Save and close the file.

6.If you are running in a local IIS Server environment it may be necessary to comment out the staticContent block in the Web.config file, depending on which MIME Types are enabled in IIS.  For example, if the MIME Type ".woff2" is enabled in IIS setup, this line can be commented out in the Web.config file.

a.Browse to the installation folder (e.g., C:\Program Files\EarthSoft\Enterprise7).

b.Open the Web.config file with a text editor (e.g., Notepad).

c.Find <staticContent>.

d.Comment out the staticContent as shown below:


    <mimeMap fileExtension=".json" mimeType="application/json"/>

    <mimeMap fileExtension=".woff" mimeType="font/woff"/>

    <mimeMap fileExtension=".woff2" mimeType="font/woff2"/>


e.Save and close the file.

7.For Enterprise to correctly handle URL Rewriting in local (non-Azure) IIS, the machine hosting Enterprise will need the URL Rewrite Module installed and a registry key will need to be created. The URL Rewrite module can be downloaded from, the "UrlSegmentMaxLength" registry key needs to be a DWORD created in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP\Parameters] with decimal value: 00001000, as seen in the screenshot below.


If you are running in a local IIS Server environment and the URL Rewrite Module is not enabled, you may encounter 500 server errors when navigating to your site.

8.(Optional) Configure log4net.config. See Configure log4net for more information.

9.Start the EQuIS Enterprise 7 Workflow service under Windows Services.

10.Open a supported web browser and navigate to the installed web application URL (e.g., https://equis-server/equis7/ ). If the Welcome Page does not appear, we recommend uncommenting the staticContent (Step 6).

11.Login using an EQuIS Enterprise administrator account (default account is administrator/admin).

12.(Optional) Configure Windows Authentication (LDAP Authentication). See Using LDAP Authentication for more information.


Note: If you have multiple instances of Enterprise, you can use the Single Folder Method or the Multiple Folder Method.


Warning: For security reasons, the default administrator password of "admin" should be changed immediately after initial login is successful.