Commit (Finish and Cancel)

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Commit (Finish and Cancel)

During the EDP Commit process there is an option to Cancel during the transaction. If you Cancel during the commit process in EDP, the entire transaction is rolled back. After canceling, none of the records that were being committed will be left in the database from that commit process.


If you let the Commit process complete, two options are available to finalize the transaction: Finish or Cancel.


Commit Option



Selecting Cancel at this point will roll back the entire transaction.


Selecting Finish will load all records without errors into the database.


Note: It is recommended that you right-click on the error log in the Commit window and save it to an XML file for review before selecting Finish to complete the Commit process.


Tip: EDP errors may be viewed in the create dialog. If the error isn't completely visible, a horizontal scroll bar will appear, allowing the error to be read in it's entirety.