Contact Elevation

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Contact Elevation

The contact elevation is the elevation at which changes occur in the interpreted soil strata or local geologic conditions as recorded in boring logs. Be aware of the presence of multiple contacts between the same soil types, as in the case of a layered clay-sand aquifer, where multiple contacts occur in a single boring. Contact elevation data can be displayed on a plan view map in three ways:

Post – Post the numerical elevation of the contact elevation between two specified soil strata.

Classed Post – Colored symbols representing the contact elevation between two specified soil strata.

Contour – Line or fill contours of the contact elevation between two specified soil strata.


To create a contact elevation plot, click Plot> Geology from the main menu and select Post, Classed Post or Contour. The appropriate dialog box will open. Modify the properties as desired. Click the OK button to save changes. These plot types and their controls are similar to the same plots used to display measured data. The user is referred to the help pages for these other plots for information on specifying plot options: Post Data, Classed Post and 2D Contour.