Collect Formula Building – Meta Fields

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Collect Formula Building – Meta Fields

Meta fields are fields associated to the entire form template and have values that do not change from form to form. Meta fields start with the ‘#’ sign.




The following table describes each meta field and some examples of how these fields can be used in Collect.






Returns the Form name (not subform within a template but the actual form name, as given when a form template is opened or a form is created on the server).


Returns the Form description given (like when you open a template and select the facility and optional description).

Indicates the form description to the user.


Returns the numeric Facility ID associated with the facility to which the form is sent/pushed.

Indicates to which facility (by number) the information is going.


Returns the facility name/code associated with the facility to which the form is sent/pushed.

Indicates to which facility (by name) the information is going.


Current date/time at the creation of the form record.

Autofill observation date/time.